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She/her. Native plant enthusiast (Upper Midwest). Cheerfully mediocre musician. Gen X. Tries not to doomscroll.
Spent an hour or so pulling crabgrass, dandelions, and bindweed out of my UU church’s pollinator garden. I meant to go inside for the sermon, but I got too muddy. 😂 #NativePlants #PollinatorGarden #7thPrinciple
Just watched The Beekeeper. It was SO bad and SO fun, 10/10
MS Word’s grammar checker just suggested how I could phrase something more concisely. “Fuck you” is concise, but it lacks depth and nuance. “Fuck you sideways with a Cybertruck, you presumptuous piece-of-shit AI, if I want your opinion I’ll check myself for a lobotomy and ask on the 5th of Never.”
Just wrote a fearful post about The State of Things, then erased it, as I have nothing terribly insightful to contribute, but if the people running this shitshow could kindly get their poop in a group? I’d be ever so grateful. *head down, write Vote Forward letters, breathe*
*spit-takes at that last line* *wonders what circumstances determined its proof against bullets*
When people talk about the Louisville area and monsters, usually the first thing that comes to mind is the Pope Lick Goatman. However, don’t forget the “Demon Leaper” (gargoyle-like monster) and my personal favorite, the Blue Man, whose exploits can be read below.
make a band meatier: Bananahama
make a band meatier: Boston Butt
Reposted byAvatar Ash
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
Shared with me by my registered-to-vote 18yo, one of three registered Gen Z-ers currently under my roof. It gives me hope.
Tag yourself: I’m “I’m scared of negative numbers, but these sigils will protect me.”
Bracket Symbols
Reposted byAvatar Ash
"It’s not enough for me to simply like Mr. Biden. Given the grave and immediate threat to our democracy and the overwhelming sense of survival I have voting in this election, it’s just not enough to like him."
It Doesn't Matter That I Like Joe Liking just isn't enough.
Oh god, I needed this thread today. 😂
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Avatar, have you seen this thread? I may have wept just a little.
The Helsinki library is like the apotheosis of Library As Useful Public Space. I am in awe.
On the reliability of polls: I just received text that said something to the effect of: “Are you still voting for Biden? No answer counts as a vote for Trump.” I don’t know if it’s just a fundraiser or collects actual polling data, but I hit “Delete and Report Junk,” as I’m doing with EVERYTHING.
Make a movie milder: A Middling Disgrace (There will be exactly one person who gets this reference, and I married him.)
Make a movie milder: Monsters Start-Up Company.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
Pretty goddamn wild for the Supreme Court to give the president the powers of a king just three days before July Fourth.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
Honestly if you could lay out a real world path of a) Withhold your vote. b) Biden loses c) Trump is elected d) THIS e) The rise of the far right is slowed and LESS actual harm is done to living breathing people. and could describe what THIS is in clear terms, I would genuinely love to hear it.
I need to stamp this on my forehead and check the mirror daily.
My feelings are not more important than reality.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
every choice is a radiant eruption where YOU create an entirely new timeline. thats TRUE POWER at your fingertips buckaroo, and an OPPORTUNITY to manifest the path with just a little more love, sincerity and joy. every drop is a tidal wave and every spark is a big bang. LETS TROT
At ~6:15 this morning, a woman complimented my tattoo as I was swimming laps at the Y. The me of just 2 years ago would have found everything in that sentence Highly Fucking Improbable, and yet 🤷‍♀️. Middle Age is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
And it will keep happening if Dems win even narrow majorities and Biden is reelected. Don't say it isn't worth it.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
I want to yell at climate-focused people who don't get the Inflation Reduction Act: FOLLOW THE MONEY. The tax credits. The prevailing wage requirements. The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund's historic investment in equal access to clean, affordable energy. It's happening, y'all #climatesky #energysky
There are 3 BFDs in this one Quiet New Deal: 1. A massive investment in America’s infrastructure and manufacturing capacity focusing on clean energy to drive down the price and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels.
THEY ABSOLUTELY DO and with appalling frequency. I remember a UF player dying of heatstroke at practice and just tried to Google the year, only to be confounded by multiple deaths to choose from. jfc.
“Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside” is a thing I would Google before sending out out in an email about why the kids don’t get water breaks.
Reposted byAvatar Ash
Well, I lost The Game this morning; I spotted my first Cybertruck in the wild (aka the YMCA parking lot). Please respect my privacy during this difficult time. It looked so dumb.
This weekend, I got a wild hair and joined the YMCA. This morning, I drove up there at 6AM and swam laps. You have to know me pretty well to understand what an astonishing pile of personal hang-ups those two simple sentences plowed through, but trust me, it was impressive.
Want to let Adobe know what you think of Generative AI? I did. Felt great! I blacked out a bit in the middle, but I think “die in a fire, like we’re all going to” featured in my comments.
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