
My grandfather worked in the Bitcoin mines of central Pennsylvania his entire life and never asked for a handout from anyone. It’s about time the people who took that world away from us are kicked out of power so that Trump can bring our Bitcoin jobs back!
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
“Bitcoin: Made in America” has to be the #1 most brain dead talking point ever uttered.
*sigh* do I even want to know what CBDC is and why do I suspect it's "communist Biden DC"?
I think it's like 'central bank digital currency'. It's actually nothing like blockchain coins, it's just literally digital currency, which is basically what we have now anyway. There's a lot of 'big brother/one world government' conspiracy nonsense around it
So it's another goofy thing because Trump is basically saying 'don't trust the real bank created thing that is regulated by the US gov, trust the unregulated thing owned by random rich people around the world' More 'Republicans hate the US gov so they break it on purpose when they get into power'
Yeah I'm broadly familiar with the conspiracy theory and the implications it was just the acronym that threw me