
My grandfather worked in the Bitcoin mines of central Pennsylvania his entire life and never asked for a handout from anyone. It’s about time the people who took that world away from us are kicked out of power so that Trump can bring our Bitcoin jobs back!
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
“Bitcoin: Made in America” has to be the #1 most brain dead talking point ever uttered.
My nationalist brother in Christ, are you aware of the entire fucking point of Bitcoin?
In all seriousness. Stay tuned for 2025 when prison laborers are paid 8 cents an hour for their work on the blockchain gang. The Libertarian Party will run on a platform of cutting the pay to 4 cents an hour.
FWIW, this was telegraphed in this morning's "MAGA Morning Update" email, sent about 6 hours ago. AFAIK, this is a new feature from the Trump campaign and is much less about fundraising and more about pushing the campaign's central messages.
“Best choice for Bitcoin” is a helluva pitch.
I would've thought he had the tech bro vote tied up already. Unless this is more a play for the money laundering set. That could be it. 🤔
I mean, the dude has never met a Pyramid scheme he didn't think he could ride for easy money.
Oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my darlin' Celementine You are lost and gone forever You fell down the Bitcoin mine
Bits of coin transmitted across the country through a series of tubes.
The 2025 plan is a lot lamer than I thought it would be.
Are we sure it’s real? I know that there is no scam to sleazy for trump, and I also know he thinks his followers are idiots, but this is truly shocking.
He doesn't think they're idiots coz that would admit they're idiots to adore him. He thinks they're adorable, although expendable.
I don't care about you. I just want your votes. Convict45 June 8, 2024
"I will eliminate the national debt on day 1 by ordering the federal reserve to mint $40 trillion is Bitcoin"
I am sure there is some new Q thread about Trump actually being Satoshi Nakamoto.
by energy dominant, I presume he means "Using ALL of the energy"
Much like the internet itself, the initially wonderful seeming promise of an anarchist social construct wholly divorced from state fiat seems great until you have to figure out how to convert it into state fiat that you can actually spend and accumulate more of.
Becoming "energy dominant" by wasting far more energy is quite the take as well
*sigh* do I even want to know what CBDC is and why do I suspect it's "communist Biden DC"?
I think it's like 'central bank digital currency'. It's actually nothing like blockchain coins, it's just literally digital currency, which is basically what we have now anyway. There's a lot of 'big brother/one world government' conspiracy nonsense around it
So it's another goofy thing because Trump is basically saying 'don't trust the real bank created thing that is regulated by the US gov, trust the unregulated thing owned by random rich people around the world' More 'Republicans hate the US gov so they break it on purpose when they get into power'
Yeah I'm broadly familiar with the conspiracy theory and the implications it was just the acronym that threw me
I mean, there are a few contenders. All from Trump, though. The injecting-bleach comment was such a stunning display of boundless ignorance. It’s hard to top that.
I can’t believe you’re ignoring what happens to the long term Bitcoin miners in later life. My father and grandfather both worked in the Bitcoin mines in central Pennsylvania and both developed poster brain. They became reply guys, it was tragic. How dare you not mention it.
Fair, I remember all the old guys in town who suffered from Bit-brain and had to be hooked up to the AP wire 24/7 to enable them to converse normally with others. The federal subsidies to fund the project really propped up the local economy.
And even that doesn’t work at the end! I remember sitting with my father watching C-SPAN and all he could say was “but what about… but what about…”
Not to mention that the Company Store for the Bitcoin mining company only accepts US currency
Thank him for his service for me 🫡
This is no doubt the main topic of conversation in diners throughout the former mining regions.
The Bit in Bitcoin is short for “Bituminous,” right?
in this SW PA mining town, it was tradition: Get off the overnight shift in the Bitcoin mines, then head to the Pacman diner to eat fruit and ghosts. but Joe Brandon took that all away
Joe has taken so much away.
Great minds, etc 😄
In this Allentown diner it was a tradition: up at first light for a hearty breakfast of scrapple and eggs, a quick check of the Steelers' injury report for Sunday's game, and then down in the mine shaft ready to extract bitcoin. But now the work mob has taken that all away.
I can't believe I misspelled woke. Doug J. Balloon's revenge for stealing his material.
or thought Allentown was steelers country. for shame!
Or besmirching the proletarian appeal of scrapple. People eat that meat like product and some of them like it. :|
Besmirch I did not, sir!
Sam and Ralph punching in at the Bitcoin stamping plant
Given 'mining' outfits' tendency to recommission idled power stations for dirt-cheap power, it may well be given the growing fleet of mothballed coal stations
I'm ashamed to admit that my great-uncle was a strikebreaker for the mine operators. They called 'em "bit-boys."
My grandfather DIED in those mines! When the servers collapsed, and the coins came down, 70 men perished for the love of greed. I hold your great uncle directly responsible! If only we'd just let Russia mine the coins instead... if only...
Bloody Silicon, they called it.
My grandfather got Bitcoin lung and died well before his time! We must bring all Bitcoin here so that the youths also experience terrible diseases like this!
Yeah, my family also has a rocky history with this industry after my grandfather was targeted for trying to unionize the exploited Bitcoin miners who were overworked and paid in company scrip that could only be spent at the company store or to buy heroin.
Family legend is that our great-grandpappy was a ransomwarer out West, used to hijack the bittrain between Denver and San Francisco.