
Part of a good thread that illustrates why I don’t hang out on Twitter/X anymore
There was an even bigger difference in the comments received. All on Threads and all but one here were positive, constructive, or neutral (one person was just being a jerk, not a troll). Only 18% on X were positive or neutral. The rest were negative, many highly so.
Sites that reward negativity are going to get a lot of it.
Also sites with bought armies of both organic and automated disinformation agents are going to generate a lot of combative activity around key words and targeted accounts.
Yeah, leaving Twitter was a positive move for me.
Right. It may feel like we’ve gone back to 2009 over here, in terms of feats and numbers on the platform, but better to be in 2009 than over on Twitter in literal Hell. Bluesky - it has the juice.
TW has become a place where even well minded people communicate in rough manners, seems that if you don't "yell" or insult you won't be read.
When I went back to Twitter for a couple weeks 8 of the 10 first posts on my feed were always right wing garbage. Musk has an agenda & he shoves it down your throat.
It's not only Musk, the are another Tw extreme right wingers spammers from Trumpers, Argentinians and, believe me, North Coreans, Iranites, Ruskys and Chinese who love to stir things up and scam, of course.
I’m still there because I’m somewhat sure that we will look back on everyone having left and realize it was a mistake to abandon the playing field in an information war.
twitter has always been way less important than everyone on twitter thinks it is.
Agree, to a point. But - no one is citing Threads/Bluesky around the block so, while it is extremely uncomfortable to be in the war zone being attacked by trolls/disinfo, I think it is still setting the narrative. + its exponentially harder to fight it with dwindling numbers of actual sane voters.
I went back a couple of weeks ago to see how bad it was. I got suspended for promoting violence - I said - "I wake up every morning hoping trump is dead". Won't go back. The best way to change things is to get out & talk to real people.
I got suspended for “violent speech” for posting to a journalist that she deserved an award she had won. for reporting on climate change. That was some BS. The fascists don’t want actual patriots there.
It's a bad time for many scientists overall, but climate scientists are really catching it from the ignoratti.
And why I don't trust Threads. Very Stepford.
I saw this with responses to my tweets starting even before it was sold, but then it accelerated. It was like talking to a wall. A nasty, racist wall.
I've just made the jump over. It's a bit quiet in here but I like it. And at least it flipping works lol
I was a little sad to leave Twitter as I met my wife on there back in 2012, but we both found that BlueSky offered an experience very similar to Twitter of that period while X offered an experience similar to being tied to a chair with your eyes forced open and Nazi propaganda run 24x7.
Elmo really has turned Twitter into Xitter. (the X is pronounced in the Chinese 'pinyin' style, as a "sh")
But aren't you worried that you're missing out on all the hot chicks that follow/message you every hour of every day? I don't want to brag, but I have like 500 new followers since I abandoned the platform!
I went away the day mr apartheid ‘91 took over. Haven’t regretted it yet.
Yes. I think that leaving or staying is a difficult decision. Leave, and the field is even more open to the homophobic, misogynistic, science deniers. Stay and you increase traffic and income. I finally left because using the word ‘cis’ even in a neutral way was censored and that was simply too much
X is a stinking MAGA echo chamber I miss Twitter
I agree, there's so much more fun and shenanigans here.
I still can't bring myself to jump from Musk to Zuckerberg. Quit Twitter months ago & am getting used to BlueSky, though I feel like I'm still missing a lot of good input from people I used to follow.
I tried the Microsoft Community too & they are just like Twitter - only with fewer positive comments or civil conversations. Their moderating is absolutely juvenile.
That kind of social-scientific inquiry gets an insta-follow from me. Thanks for the share!