chuck ausherman

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chuck ausherman

we will all be wrong one day…
In light of the latest round of bullshit in the NYT or WaPo or other "papers of note," I offer you Gen. Sherman's words: "You have heretofore read public sentiment in your newspapers, that live by falsehood and excitement; and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better."
happy going out of business sale, america
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).
When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.
The first person who was killed for the cause of US independence was Black and Indigenous.
Crispus Attucks was Black and Indigenous. This country was literally founded on the blood of Black and Native people. We built this shit.
Crispus Attucks (U.S. National Park Service)
first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
Don't do it for Biden, do it for yourself.
All the Joe Biden ads should be "folks, if you vote for me by this Thanksgiving you'll never have to think or hear about Donald Trump ever again" > 300 electoral votes
The Heritage Foundation is absolutely making overt terrorist threats and everyone you know needs to be aware of this.
Somebody else pointed earlier that the "bloodless if the leftists allow" (paraphrasing) bullshit sentence, is a clear terrorist threat and should probably be called like this.
The myth of universities being a bastion of liberalism is something conservatives are perpetuating so that they can attack universities with anti-intellectualism, when the actual tea is that universities collude with fascism to suppress dissent & conservatism is deeply entrenched in them.
Harriet Tubman was disabled. #BHM
And this is what I like about Therí A. Pickens' "Black Madness :: Mad Blackness". She cites so many scholars who write about race/racism and disability, and she theorizes why it's so easy for some* to be able to comprehend blackness OR disability, not both, thus invisibilizing Black disabled ppl.
Harriet Tubman’s Disability and Why it Matters - Ms. In Harriet Tubman's version of freedom, Black women were liberators and a disabled Black woman sat at the center of democracy.
Right about now, in 1863, came one of my favorite moments of the Battle of Gettysburg. Division commander Maj Gen Alex Hays, of Pittsburgh, seeing that his division had smashed the rebel attack, kissed his aide-de-camp, grabbed a reb flag, mounted his horse, and rode his line dragging it behind him
Happy No-More-Kings Day tomorrow! And remember: Patriotism is helping the country you love do less wrong. Nationalism is pretending that it's *never* wrong. 🇺🇸 "Nationalism is Patriotism for Assholes." – Jon Lovett
It's as if our press just can't process a threat as grave as Trump. They no longer have the skills or backing from their top editors to grapple with such a grand-scale horror as the death of our democracy. So they've shrunk the issues down to a size they feel comfortable with: Shaming an old man.
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
NEW: Last week the Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed claims for reparations from survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. Northeastern Law School Professor Martha Davis explains how the plaintiffs have been stymied for over a century.
Oklahoma Supreme Court Rejects Reparations for Tulsa Race The decision is the latest — and perhaps final — blow to the massacre’s two remaining survivors in their decades-long quest for justice.
in 2020 “Biden is too old” was a big narrative going into the first debate with Trump, but he performed well and shut the concerns down. Ever since then, concerns about his age have had a boy who cried wolf element to them, and i think that’s part of why so many people were caught off guard.
Fourth anniversary of this artful one-two punch by Mia Farrow and Nancy Sinatra
this case against biden's resignation makes sense. i do think that if biden decides to step away from reelection, he should explicitly say that he is doing this because House Republicans are too corrupt to confirm a replacement for Harris.
1/ I'm agnostic as to whether Biden should withdraw from the race. It's a genuinely tough question IMO. But I have clarity on one thing: He should absolutely not step down as president. If Harris becomes President, the Vice Presidency is empty. Under the 25th Amendment ...
well well well bike lane twitter must be hopping
With the City not budging on subsidies, and an investor-owned company demanding profits, who gets screwed for making a public transportation system too popular? Naturally, the riders. Happy Independence Day, from Lyft!
Happy Fourth of July! Lyft Just Jacked Up Citi Bike E-Bike Fees Again - Hell The company wants the City to pay up, but will settle for you instead.