
"Expand the court" has gone from radical solution to the most exceptionally moderate option on the table.
anytime someone says "alito and thomas COULD retire or die, look at their ages" it's just. yeah. now also look at dem leadership's ages, and if they look like they're in any rush to retire
also doesn't exactly feel great that even if alito and thomas died the day after biden does inauguration, it is not at all implausible that they wouldn't repeat the obama strategy of "c'mon, be nice to us" on the GOP holding shit up
like for fuck's sake part of the reason we're in this to begin with is because leadership thought "let's just hope everything works out for us and not cause a fuss" with garland was a good idea and delaying shit till the very last minute
lord every time the "but if you had just voted for HILLARY" comes up my mind goes "dems got a senate AND house minority in 2016, leadership exactly the same regardless". even in the alternate universe where she wins, at best you get more years of "come ON, man" when GOP block all SCOTUS shit
Leadership is banking on "by the time they are sending mobs after us to lynch us in the street, we will be dead so not our problem"
He's a bit slow on the uptake for progressive ideas but Joe Biden will come around to this position in ten or twenty years, you'll see
He just needs the GOP to drag Hunter before the SC, once it is personal to him, he will begin thinking about acting
It's been that way for years. And the Court just handed the President the means to do it: just do it. Don't wait on legislation. Appoint new justices and have the military escort them to their seats. Call it an official act as Commander-in-Chief, an emergency measure to thwart a judicial coup.
Destroy the court. Dismantle it, along with all the systems connected to it. Start over.
They have also helpfully introduced the "reduce the court" option 👀
There's always the French option.
And yet not a single thing will happen
Thank God we have an dementia ridden octogenarian in charge who is terrified to wield power
One of these days maybe center-left people will start including anarchists as people they should actually read. "radical solution" == bog-standard liberal reformism, which historically is not even attempted when class interests are threatened
“Expand the court” was a necessary backstop against fascsism in 2021. Now that the court done for the year, it’d do nothing unless Dems can stay in power So really the only thing it COULD do is prevent another Bush v Gore style power grab
Too bad Biden is against that too.
Except that Dem leadership is still opposed.
it’s not even especially radical. it’s been done before. more than once. just not recently.
I didn't think I'd get there, bit yeah. I'm there.
You need a House of Lords and a monarchy and none of this would have happened...
Too bad it's too fucking late. Could've prevented all of this past year of horror if he'd done that.
Counterpoint: old Donny Trump can’t possibly slip out of the next scandal
Are we sure more for-life positions is the answer?