

Something that's clear and very helpful to keep in mind is that I have ZERO influence over what will happen re: who the Democratic nominee will be at the August convention. So I'm going to keep it moving and focus on what I can influence.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
I think that the people who ignored or yelled at those who pointed out that A LOT of voters thought Biden was too old for another term should do some self-reflection but I don't think they will have the humility to do so.
Do the Democratic elite believe that 45 is an existential threat? If they actually do, what would you expect to see right now? Are you seeing that?
And liberals wonder why they are ineffective. More concerned with theatrics than pursuit of power.
Updating your profile pic to this in 2024 makes me want to write an essay.
*While democracy is collapsing* Liberals: We need to follow the rules! Me:
The impotent 'dissents' by the Liberals on the court portend what to expect by the Democratic party.
So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
With zero self-reflection about the fact that a number of Leftists have made the point for at least 2 years that a different nominee was needed for all of the reasons that are now apparently clear to everyone.
it's wild to see the quick pivot from "enjoy the CAMPS" to this. it honestly makes me feel crazy
This is from a Simpsons episode almost 20 years ago. Same as it ever was.
oh please tell me that the Democratic Party does not think people are this fucking stupid.
He's right.
the other reason why i'm skeptical that a convention would pick a better nominee is that the nomination would almost certainly be considered, privately at least, damaged goods. your most likely choices will be candidates who otherwise would have no chance of winning in a regular contest.
I find it interesting that our popular understanding of how slavery ended in this country is framed around seemingly peaceful announcements: a proclamation (1863), an announcement in TX (1865), and an amendment (1865). We should, however, never forget the years of bloodshed that made it possible. 🗃️
How BlueSky looks right now
*Biden does something immoral and wildly unpopular* *I point out that what Biden did is immoral and wildly unpopular* *Someone on here says some shit to me like “Well, have fun in the coon camps Trump is gonna send you and your family off too🫡”*
Found a few recipes that even I, a colossal Kitchen Oaf, can make well and now my whole energy is different at the grocery store. The employees and shoppers smile and nod as I stroll by. "He knows what to do with those ingredients" they whisper
Many aren't currently doing anything at all to 'protect' the minorities that they say will suffer most under 45. Stop threatening people.
This person is blurring the lines of being a scaremonger.
"Since March 25, when the bird flu virus was confirmed in U.S. cattle for the first time, weekly sales of raw cow’s milk have ticked up 21% to as much as 65% compared with the same periods a year ago." This is why we can't have nice things.
Raw milk sales spike despite CDC's warnings of risk associated with bird fluwww.pbs.org From 1998 to 2018, the CDC documented more than 200 illness outbreaks traced to raw milk, which sickened more than 2,600 people and hospitalized more than 225.
Army of occupation
Police are now taking over a campus library.
To fully grasp how powerful Magneto can be is to understand that magnetism is one of the four fundamental forces of reality. It's the second strongest. Exponentially stronger than gravity. #xmen97