
Yes because OCD/PTSD/Anxiety and other mental health disorders are a thing and some people don’t need to visually see things to empathize
I’ve seen 2 skeets today about this, so I feel the need to say it: YOU ARE NOT FAILING ANYONE BY NOT WATCHING ATROCITY VIDEOS. You are allowed to look away. You can bear witness by reading or through protest. You do not need to traumatize yourself to prove you care, and fuck anyone who says you do.
Yes! My mother died in a pretty grim way and just from the info the cops gave me, my mentally ill brain has spent the last 24 years coming up with images and scenarios of what it might have looked like, mostly in nightmares where I can’t distract myself.
I’m so very sorry for losing your mother and especially in an awful way And your example is exactly what I was thinking. What you could come up with in your mind is way worse, there is no reason to trigger yourself completely unable to function further.
It’s a complex situation with her, but then those trauma-generated images create guilt, anxiety, and in my case fear of going to sleep. I’m already a jumble of mental illness though. 😅