
I’ve seen 2 skeets today about this, so I feel the need to say it: YOU ARE NOT FAILING ANYONE BY NOT WATCHING ATROCITY VIDEOS. You are allowed to look away. You can bear witness by reading or through protest. You do not need to traumatize yourself to prove you care, and fuck anyone who says you do.
yeah, and “not watching” doesn’t mean forgetting or silence or betrayal and secondary trauma is still traumatic
Trauma psychiatrist here-100% this. I've served many clinicians who for decades were affected by traumas we cannot avoid seeing as we help others-and many folks who saw videos *after* 9/11 they weren't obliged to see which brought them terrible suffering. Sufficient unto our day is the pain thereof.
For people who choose to watch atrocity videos You're nothing but rubberneckers as we call them and driving nothing useful comes out of you. As someone who has seen atrocities first hand from the war zone not a mass shooting but tanks blown up bodies everywhere I wish I could unsee them but I can't
I am so so sorry you went through that. Thank you for putting your life on the line, we are so grateful.
Thank you for your appreciation. If only our government felt the same way I wouldn't be struggling to stay fed 2/3 of the way through the month of January that's a struggle for another day I guess I can only air my grievances one day at a time.
The government treatment of soldiers is pure cruelty. I am anti-war as a Buddhist (though I acknowledge it’s unrealistic to assume it will end) but I will fight for soldiers and their rights with my dying breath. A lot of friends enlisted in HS as a way out and they live in even worse poverty now.
Ironically that's exactly what I did enlisted right out of high school 30 years ago I've had two runs in the military once in 95 once in 99 the 99 one is the one that got me time in service 15 years not quite enough to retire not enough to pay all my bills
We live near a military base, so I work with and have friends who live on base, and one friend is so distressed because they’re having to move off base and have no idea how they’re going to afford to stay fed, let alone housed. Unreal.
The way I see it people like me enlisted to the people like you didn't have to and it's not a slight on people like you because I wish more people could be pacifist. But like you said it's not realistic and so people like me have to go in to try to create some order out of chaos one more chance
That’s why I’m so grateful to soldiers. Even if I wasn’t sickly, I wouldn’t be able to make the decisions soldiers have to make and would be a danger to myself and team. Idealist pacifists pray for peace. Practical Buddhists work to help alleviate the suffering of soldiers and civilians. Respect.
It's like Joseph Galloway once said after he came home from participating in the first battalion 7th calvary's operations in the Ia Drang valley Vietnam 1964. "We who have seen war will never stop seeing war."
that trauma is real but what exactly are you thankful for? like at best “sorry you were tricked into that” at worst “fuck you imperialist.”
Hi, please don’t bring that into my mentions. I explain my reasoning for being anti-military and pro-soldier in other skeets, so you can refer to those. Muting you, though, and asking respectfully for you not to harass veterans.
being pro-soldier doesn’t have to include thanking people for their service. plenty of cool veterans out there but ‘thank you for your service’ implies they served you or someone else in some way. i’m more of a ‘glad you got out, glad you’re alive’ kind of person.
Thank you for your service. Yeah, people forget there is a reason that the most earnest anti-war commentary is from people who have seen war. I hope you can find some peace.
Thank you but I think the only Peace I'm going to find will require a sacrifice I'm just about ready to make
If you need to talk, please reach out to me or a loved one. My pain meds make me pass out from time to time, but I am here to talk to you.
No I'm okay I have certain promises that were made that I intend to keep at least for the foreseeable future but thank you I will definitely keep that in mind
Please do. I can give you other options to contact me if needed for support too. I’m headed for sleep but anytime I’m awake I’m available.
We are not mentally built to endlessly consume wall to wall catastrophes beyond our control and I am useless to everyone if I harm myself trying to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you are also under no obligation to bear witness to every single atrocity and horror out there. if you can only handle certain topics (or need to avoid certain ones too!) that’s absolutely okay. you are not a terrible person for only doing what you are capable of doing
Agreed, plus protesting and boycotting are vastly more helpful than watching any videos.
people shit on the true crime community for stuff like this, rightly. disaster tourism is disaster tourism, and disaster media exploits victims. if you have to share media, share it of the victims when they were alive and well, share their hopes and dreams. show them as living people, not corpses
There is a single true crime podcast I listen to, because they take time to talk about the victim, their place in the community, and the impact their death had on family so people see them as more than “Xxxx’s victim.” I used to be super into true crime but got upset by victims as set dressing.
lately I've been watching court livestreamed court hearings, leaning toward misdemeanor and traffic court. violent crimes are traumatic for everyone involved. someone pulling out sovcit arguments over a speeding ticket is funny, no need to exploit actual pain misery for entertainment
Some of the small claims court streams are unintentionally hilarious. You know it’s a good case when the judge takes off his glasses, rubs his face, and just says “people…”
judge manning, a lesbian judge in Atlanta, getting mad and yelling at her fellow lesbians for letting the team down over relationship drama is genuinely my favorite ngl
Not anywhere near the reality of the genocide but this reminded of Patinkin on leaving CM. He said he was tired of doing a show where essentially people were watching women get murdered and then going to bed.
Another reason I left Twitter. I did not enjoy people retweeting dead bodies with no warning or anything.
Yeah! And not just war pictures, there were people who would post pictures of dead animals from culls with the same nonsense “you can’t look away!” Uhhhh yeah I can, especially if it’s something I don’t condone.
The only people who need to watch those videos are the people condoning and excusing the violence. They should be forced to see the consequences of their actions.
Agreed 👍🏼 💯 You don’t need to traumatize anyone else OR yourself with the media… pertaining to a certain ongoing situation. We all know what it will look like, and conflicts are always horrible atrocities. 😞
Thank you. I appreciate this a lot.
I’m glad this could reach you. It’s really what I was hoping for. Here’s a cute baby elephant shrew yawning for when you need a bit of joy. ❤️
<3 Thank you, omg, it's adorbs.
thank you I am sickened
Yes, but specifically war atrocities videos. I know some people lie gore and guro, but then ones I’m specifically talking about are injured, maimed people being killed or tortured as part of the genocide.
I’m so sorry. I can’t look at that stuff because I already have some PTSD so that would be awful for me.
True. I don’t watch horror news. I avoid the worst of the worst that human kind has to offer. Dosen’t mean I don’t care. I’m just numb and we plebes are impotent.
I have enough trauma in my past that I constantly replay in my head, I don’t need to add more awful images to the mix. What I imagine is bad enough.