
I love how the Judge's daughter is such a conflict of interest, but there is no conflict when it comes to a SCOTUS judge's spouse.
This is why Dems silence is so toxic. Without their voices the GOP fills the void with their lies and attacks.
How better can one admit to be unlawful? Is threatening judiciaries not a felony? We still have room in jail for Trump and his sycophants.
I am genuinely concerned for the safety of everyone involved in that trial. The judge, prosecutors, the jurors, and the prosecution witnesses... they've all shown great courage.
THAT’S what happens in banana republics.
I thought Republicans are the party of law and order???
And I always mistakenly believed in order to be a member of Congress, you had to have a functioning brain and possess no fascist tendencies. This current crop of bootlicking sycophants blew those notions right outta the water! 🤦🏻‍♀️
F O O L S! Every last one of MAGA Republicans who do not disassociate with Trump and his trump-ism are fools. The are marching against a fine judge and a proven system of governance while exposing their stupidity.
And the GOP supposedly is the party of law and order. They truly have lost their moral (and intellectual) compass
I didn't watch this, but Aaron, you can and perhaps ought to submit FBI tips if there are people endangering a judge and his family members.
Electronic Tip Form |
The answer from the MAGAs is always "investigate the investigators, prosecute the prosecutors" even when there are average people of a jury involved. I'm simply astounded more people can't see beyond this BS.
Doubling down defending their cult leader. The compromising info the #OrangeFührer must have on these fools must be pretty damning.
He doesn't have anything on them. They are afraid they will lose their next election if they don't fall in line, so they fall in line because they are too chicken to even try to break off.
They have to keep proving that they are PATHETIC we believe them IDIOTS!
I'm sure him calling the judge crooked, inciting targeted harassment of this family etc. won't come up at sentencing.
Damn, these Republicans keep making fools of themselves over a common criminal.
If they try this- law enforcement needs to be called in.
They all know that with diaper dons (2nd) conviction, a good percentage of gop voters won't be voting for him and that will reflect down ballot as well. They're all scared shitless this Nov. is going to be a nationwide landslide and they're all going to lose their jobs.
Remember who is in control of the RNC "leadership" and GOP MONEY. It's always about the money. Anyone that doesn't kiss the ring won't be getting campaign ca$h.