
New in PN: "Pundits like stuff to happen, and Biden stepping down would be good copy. The media wants dramatic events. Choosing to stay the course feels boring and insufficiently proactive. But sometimes the best thing to do is to follow through."
The pundit class needs to get a Politics isn't fantasy football and there's no One Weird Trick to beat Trump.
they want him to concede to trump and they can go fuck themselves
Drama sells more. It's bad for the country to point out that Biden has an excellent team, prefers to try to get along, and isn't ready to throw his opponents out a window. Why are all the media outlets rushing to dis Biden for his age and not the old, ill, convicted felon running against him?
His team pushed for the debate to happen, to happen early, and to happen during prime time. They also notably failed to call in a bomb threat after he corpse-walked onto that stage
The punditry class, and media they cavort with, seem to have lost their minds.
Sick of these self-righteous assholes living in their own bubble without a scintilla of sense about what happens on Planet Earth.
the people who own the media want to keep trump's tax cuts in place (they expire soon) and more. they don't care who needs to suffer or die for them
Biden does need to show us he’s up to the job. But this NYT but-her-emails punditry, and then a few minor Dems like Ryan undercutting Biden, is bull. It’s not where voters are. Biden IS President & doing a great job by any measure. He had a v bad 90 min. He has a great VP.
Like it or not, the pundit class isn't entirely wrong and this article greatly diminished the nature of Biden's performance. He didn't just "sound" off. Throughout the debate his mouth was agape, eyes averted or in an offstage gaze. It was obvious that he looked unwell, and when it counted.
I don't care. Is there anyone actually saying -for themselves- that now they just can't vote for Biden anymore? Because all i see is handwringing from people who supposedly WILL vote against Trump no matter what OF COURSE, BUT
I'm sure I am too, that's why I posted the comment.
Outside of pro Biden echo chambers, of course there are reservations. You can't wish internal polling away or pretend that this doesn't resonate with undecided voters. We are already decidedly anti trump, but by ourselves, Biden will lose.
You know what: I'm sure you're right. Good luck with that.
One 90 min. "debate", and all that's happened in the last 3 1/2 years doesn't matter. MSM wants a shit-show to sell more ads; boring doesn't help their bottom line.
I'm not even sure I buy this anymore tbh. You know what's dramatic? A story about fresh Epstein details with accusations that he violently sexually abused minors. You might THINK that's more eye catching than "This just in: JOE BIDEN IS OLD"
They are so full of themselves. If they know so much they should run for office.
Thank you. Mighty Mouse was a cartoon. There is no hero swooping in to "save the day." We need to defeat Trump and supporting Biden is how it will be done.
I will definitely vote for him if he's the nominee, but he does seem to be rapidly declining. How will the issues we saw the debate get better? I'd love a ticket with Harris and someone else.
I like the drama associated with forcing the known rapist and convicted felon to “step aside” for the good of the “Law & Order” party.