
that the whole project is at serious and maybe fatal risk if trump is imprisoned or loses in the fall and that conservatives on the court have a duty to try to prevent that any way they can, through the most motivated reasoning they can conjure.
Genuinely curious what the hell john roberts was thinking
I think this is true *and yet* this is not the most careful decision of its type he could have crafted to look reasonable! I’d guess it’s the most careful one he could craft without the other five ditching him and going way further.
Barrett wanted to restrain them! Her concurrence is a lot more reasonable than what they went with!
Then man, who fuckin knows? And I guess if she’d wanted to make a statement more powerful she could have *not* concurred, right?
She concurred with the idea that there's a difference been official and unofficial acts and that presidents have immunity from the former, but she agreed with Sotomayor about how absurd it is to say that all *official communications* are similarly protected, even when they further a conspiracy to 1/
commit a crime that falls under an unofficial act. 2/2
So, then the question becomes, if the other 4 conservatives had lost Roberts, would she be the fifth vote with him and the liberals? Or would such a coalition not even have a possible consensus?
I don't think the liberals wanted to go as far as Barrett/Roberts did in immunizing the president from prosecution for official acts. Roberts did seem genuinely concerned about every president prosecuting his or her predecessor over political decisions.
Frankly, I think that's silly, and I'd rather have an executive branch that's feeling restrained by this prospect than one that feels emboldened by immunity.
I would imagine a president not wanting to invite prosecution from his successor is enough to prevent him from frivolously prosecuting his predecessor, and as evidence id point to all of history.
how many of them are watching fox news, where trump's trials are all simply persecution
My read is they don't have a path through they're all on board with right now, which is not to say they won't find the same page when the lower court sends as standard up to them to rip up, but also you can see cracks running through their alliance