
It’s maddening to see skepticism of ejecting Biden treated like cultish loyalty. Some of us have been out here saying Biden’s too old for years. The problem is that what is being proposed is a shocking, almost unheard-of remedy, and every historic precedent tells us it’ll end in catastrophe.
It’s very, very clear that the loudest voices calling most excitedly for this remedy are not especially politically sophisticated or even worried about Biden losing - that’s why they didn’t freak for the months of lagging polls and why they’re doing nonsense fantasy-draft replacement picks.
I think it’s pretty clear that the worst-case scenario for a lot of them is President Harris
So it's really weird that they're taking this course of action when she's the most realistic alternative is Biden steps down. They aren't smart!
well, that wasn’t how the NYT framed it, mostly
dog caught the car
I guess I'm a weird case because I do think there's a strong case to make that Harris is the better car. But people who say their only concern is beating Donald Trump haven't made that case and have instead made arguments that would be *fatal.*
at this point I’m willing to believe Harris might be a better candidate but you do kinda have to add a grain of salt to account for the negative campaigning that right now is mostly not happening against her
like, I don’t think it’s at all a clear case and the costs of switching cars are plausibly very high
It really rests on what you think Biden's actual capabilities are, something none of us really know, but which people who know him haven't (IMO) been able to really reassure us of. Tomorrow's interview will be interesting.
This is the thing that all the fantasy league politics seems to just skip. If he can do it, it’s best he does. If he can’t then, it’s best he doesn’t try too much longer. It doesn’t seem too much more complicated than that and none of us know the answer.
did you listen to the radio one that dropped this morning by chance?
regardless I don’t think this is the actual fulcrum. Biden can resign in favor of Harris any time, and doing it ~any other time than now is likely easier. the electoral math is what matters
This is the thing. If things go publicly weird, Harris is already in place. If things go weird and they keep it secret behind the scenes, well gosh, Harris is already in place. Dem insiders know this, and I feel like the smart ones know they should just HODL.
I did. I thought he did well. I think he really does thrive in informal environments like that and should do more of them. The strategy to wall him off hasn't served him.