
‼️ this is always what I come back to Like I know we can win these things because we've won them before, and all of the horrible legal changes we're seeing are actually proof that the law is not immutable and people have the power to change it
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
Like 5% of my brain is always John Belushi yelling, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
Animal House: Germans Bombed Pearl YouTube video by Ed Morrissey
Many are used to the notion that the arc of history towards justice just kind of arcs on its own. We conceptualize past wins as inevitably cause by the force of time and demographics and destiny rather than hard-fought victories.
Do they? Gerrymandering & Mitch McConnell along with a virtually neutered Senate & House that can’t pass squat?