
think the big problem dynamic here is it’s becoming pretty evident nobody fears any stitches for snitching, which does nothing to allay the concerns that the WH has no fastball left
Man, idk if this is going to work out
Seems like the govs are trying to knife him after the crocodile enthusiasm yesterday?
there are several prominent governors who would likely be VP hopefuls in the event Harris takes over the campaign (Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, Beshear); smart money is on one of their staffers
That has to be the dynamic. Even if the meeting was a disaster, there’s not much profit in any of the govs getting their hands dirty.
I don’t think it’s Shapiro, the guy is perfectly capable of doing two full terms as gov and waiting for his turn. Also anyone that thinks VP is a path to the presidency is a bad politician
It's probably Beshear's best route, because he's term-limited, House rep is a worse option, and Kentucky isn't gonna make him a Senator.
I’d love to find out eventually so I know who to oppose in the primary.