
think the big problem dynamic here is it’s becoming pretty evident nobody fears any stitches for snitching, which does nothing to allay the concerns that the WH has no fastball left
Man, idk if this is going to work out
tbh if he really wants to run out the string here he should probably push all the chips in and ask for another debate. right now he’s got the vibes of a game manager quarterback who tossed 5 picks against ohio state and now everybody wants to see the backup
Joe Bidens campaign manager.
certainly some Frames Janklin energy
I'm just not trusting any of these stories to be true right now, not after that Jake Tapper fuckup and assorted other stories being called out for being badly sourced. I also smell some opportunistic Russian contributions to the news cycle. The media has let us down.
Shit I wouldn’t give him another debate right now. If I’m Trump I would say “no way” and I bet pay zero price for that. The feeding frenzy is on.
Town hall. Doesn't give the GOP the ability to mess with it, and people will ask infinitely better questions.
my gameplan at this point is to vote for the sleepy old guy who mumbles instead of the sleepy old guy who does rape and treason.
Isn't there a second debate coming up
Oh it's September that's a while off
Sleep is good? Why is this a bad thing?
As an experienced Iowa fan, beware “the backup is better” mentality
The guy actually works hard, for any age, without any executive time bs like TFG, and they want to punish him for this. F the MSM.
The impression I have is there's basically no info actually circulating other than the one bit wildy expanded by the time that everyone else keeps making sound worse. And apparently at least one of the "sources" for the times has basically said they lied about what was reported.
It’s been my impression from the start that someone started this BS & those who saw a chance to get attention all piled on, knowing the media canNOT resist making things worse and/or trying to gin up horseshit into a story Joe just better not wear a TAN SUIT
i was literally talking to my dad yesterday- it feels like a coup. All of the wealthy donors that supposedly supported biden immediately dropped his ass, the media, even his own party, just BAM
I think this claim is worth some skepticism. Governors hoping for a spot on the ticket have good reason to spread these stories. That said, if governors’ offices speaking on background are out-spinning the White House, that might be even worse than the story.
Seems like the govs are trying to knife him after the crocodile enthusiasm yesterday?
there are several prominent governors who would likely be VP hopefuls in the event Harris takes over the campaign (Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, Beshear); smart money is on one of their staffers
I don’t think it’s Shapiro, the guy is perfectly capable of doing two full terms as gov and waiting for his turn. Also anyone that thinks VP is a path to the presidency is a bad politician
It's probably Beshear's best route, because he's term-limited, House rep is a worse option, and Kentucky isn't gonna make him a Senator.
I’d love to find out eventually so I know who to oppose in the primary.
That has to be the dynamic. Even if the meeting was a disaster, there’s not much profit in any of the govs getting their hands dirty.
The feeling I get from the governors meeting is that wether it turns out biden steps aside or stays the course, there's a plan going forward. If they put someone else in its not going to be a sudden random choice, it's not just wild flailing. The media's going "but her e mails" no matter what.
Notable that Jen O'Malley-Dillon was brought into Biden's 2020 campaign to try and calm the mercs sprinting off to the press at every foible. If she can't stop it now and Obama's not going to step in, congrats to President Harris.
They’re saving what gas they have left in the tank to punch left, as is tradition
I don't think the dems can just eat this for the next four months
Biden menacingly places down a Royal Dinsk tin, but it's still just filled with cookies
Nancy is taking a nap so there are no rules
Oh fuck her. “Don’t yell at people on the internet, go make phone calls” *proceeds to yell on the internet* I am so sick of all these idiots dragging the rest of us down with them.
I feel this so much. I'm a morning person and I'm usually awake around 4:00 a.m. by the time the day is over my brain is fried and I cannot be counted on to put intelligent thoughts together.
The only people Democrats actually hate are leftists. There are no sharp elbows for blue MAGA