Shaun Horton

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Shaun Horton

Horror author, gamer, Anime fan. Trying to make the world a better place. #DonateBlood #Adopt #Volunteer
I think it really says something about the depths of Trump's criminality that the Supreme Court gave him broad Presidential Immunity, and he could STILL go to jail.
I really want Godzilla as a playable character in Mortal Kombat.
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It's hilarious that Trump is still going on about being prosecuted by Biden when the SC decision basically said it was legal, even if Biden was directing it.
It's weird to me seeing the trend of deer with wolf mouths and teeth going around right now. I literally wrote a scene of a man being stalked by such a creature for a wip last year.
I really want a time traveler to show up right now and assure me everything will work out in the end.
Well, we still have four months for Trump to have a heart attack...
It's worth pointing out that due to the SC rulings, Trump's claims about Biden weaponizing the DOJ against him would be perfectly legal now if they were true.
Well, the doom of the day got me up and out of bed early. I got a short story out on submission for it though...
This Supreme Court decision is bad, but there's also a lot of reasons it doesn't actually mean anything yet. 1. They tossed it back to lower courts to determine what is an "official act". 2. The President has no official involvement in holding or certifying elections.
Before we get to despair, today's ruling likely only means Trump's other court cases won't see anything else before the election. They dropped it back to lower courts to decide what acts are official. Courts that already said these charges could be brought.
Sharing this because it's a "WTF, I didn't know I needed to be reminded of this."
You're not broken. You aren't too late. You aren't untalented. You aren't wasting your time. You deserve to eat. You deserve to drink water. You deserve to go outside. You deserve to have fun doing this work. Anyone, ANYONE, saying that you have to suffer for your art are wrong.
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Horton
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
Part 2 of streaming Still Wakes the Deep. I haven't had a game unnerve me this much since Alien: Isolation. Twitch is the world
As we get closer to Thursday's debate, it's interesting to see Trump already trying to spin bias and lies about Biden. Part of me expects Trump to back out at the very last minute.
So, what's on everyone's bingo card for Thursday's debate? I'm betting on Trump accusing Biden of trying to assassinate him again.
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Horton
repost to mark yourself safe from having seen a Cybertruck in the wild yet I’m still pure and unsullied 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
Finally, FINALLY, watching Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire. You know a movie is good when you don't even realize how time is passing. Loved it. Want more.
Still Wakes the Deep is almost exactly what I expected. Outlast but on an oil rig with eldritch horrors. A little more of John Carpenter's The Thing than I thought though. Loving it so far. Check out my playthrough! Twitch is the world
I really wish they did actual remasters of the classic Megaman games, not just ports which include control lag because the games are just moved over and not actually optimized for the newer systems.
I keep trying to order the Ravening Hordes book from Games-workshop, since they still can't seem to ship the books out to stores, but every time my card gets flagged for fraud. I mean, GW isn't the best company, but it's not STRICTLY fraud... #GamesWorkshop #WarhammerTheOldWorld
Looking forward to playing and streaming Still Wakes The Deep in a little over a week. Definitely feeling the Outlast feel with Lovecraftian horror vibe. Until then, you can check out my stream of That's Not My Neighbor, if you like.
I fucking lost it! 🤣🤣🤣
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My favorite Pokémon.