
“social construct” doesn’t mean “fake”. it means our understanding of reality is shaped by the way our culture makes sense of the world. reality shapes us, we shape reality.
ITS ACTUALLY TRUTH TUESDAY! Don't listen to the imposters! Today we're sharing TRUTHS!! Let those truths run wild!!!
Money is a social construct and if you don't think social constructs matter, can I have all your money?
My Sociology textbook from about 1970
yeah like, "friendship" is also a social construct, "language" is a social construct, etc
My favorite example of it is money. Money's a social construct, good luck acting like it doesn't matter.
Baseball, pizza delivery, and bicameral legislature are all social constructs They also all exist. They just didn't come from space or grow on trees. They can't be derived under Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with axiom of choice They're still real, like all social constructs
Yes! There’s a whole anthropological model based on it, yes!
A lot of people really don't understand how brains work
Essentially, it means that said thing is simply an accord subject to change as the needs of society call for adaptation. The social construct of binary gender or heteronormativity doesn't hold up to the longstanding history of humanity or the present realities of who people actually are in life.
And very often groups of people weaponize social constructs, claim they are normal, human nature as a meabs to oppress and predate upon minorities.
Let people know that Math is a social construct and watch the smoke come out of their ears
The book Sapiens explains this clearly Modern life is built upon shared myths like money, religion, nations, and even human rights. These shared beliefs give our lives meaning and allow us to cooperate on a large scale, but they are ultimately human constructs, not objective truths.