Ayrton O'Brien πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

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Ayrton O'Brien πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ


Film nerd / existential mess

Free Palestine

Telegram: @Ayrtonobrien
I went viral on Twitter for a silly meme, can't I do it for being witty, insightful or sexy?
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Democrats are perpetually concerned with an appearance of "civility" that their opponents would never show them, and that neither the media nor voters will materially reward them for
Spain and England at the Euros? O, but the real good Spain vs England is De La Puenta vs Hewitt in the Wimbledon finals now.
a lot of white queers conduct themselves like they are above antiblackness, and I just have to say: that is wrong, both morally and factually.
Spent the morning thinking of games to play with the incoming baby and crying at a couple's wedding vows on Instagram, I'M BECOMING A SENTIMENTALIST
My mother can't pronounce Alcaraz so calls him Alcatraz.
making laws banning specific individuals from accessing medicine and healthcare that significantly increases their quality of life seems a pretty good definition of Fascism.
Wes Streeting's position on puberty blockers – effectively, fuck trans kids, let them die – shows why marginalised people are disgusted by privileged folks' post-election sycophancy and self-absorption. Columns about the PM's fuckability when his govt is fucking the most vulnerable. Fucking ghouls.
The Academy is gonna Academy so they never would've done it anyway for a performance as stylized in a film as strange as 3 Women, but Shelley Duvall should've been nominated. A Woman Robbed moment if there ever was one. Seek it out. Highly worth your time.
I am unwell, with aches, coughing and sneezing. COVID tests are negative but still.
I took lovely flower photos today in the sun, it has felt like MONTHS, yay serotonin!
Inject every video of French Fascists crying into my veins
Of course it's when I'm trying not to cry after an therapy session that the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life (with a dangly earring!) asks my order in Eddie Rockets.
We went to Kinds of Kindness and got 35mm prints with our tickets!
Never forget Keir Starmer paraded Brianna Ghey's mother around Parliament to score points over Sunak. 5 months later he's saying trans women aren't women + should be banned from women's spaces. It's utterly depressing come tomorrow there will be people inc. from many queers endorsing him as PM.
I am tearing through books this year even books I quit on because I wasn't in the right head space for (usually lockdown related). Getting a book per week for the last 6 weeks, I haven't read like this since a teenager. And relishing them, not skimming them.
I passed through Trinity and Suede were doing their sound check. I need to get a gig guide for next year, I'd have gone to them (and Air who I also missed).
Regular reminder that calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and actually having it implemented is the absolute BARE MINIMUM. There won’t be any peace until there is justice. There won’t be any justice until the *root cause* is dismantled completely. The root cause is Zionism.