Carrie plays guitar πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

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Carrie plays guitar πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

Writer, singer, parent, greyhound mum and guitar wrangler from Glasgow. Likely ADHD. She/her. Carrie Kills A Man, shortlisted for the 2023 British Book Awards, is at and good bookshops.
It is scary as fuck right now for trans authors and prospects for us being able to continue telling our stories get bleaker every day. Please, buy & read as many of these folks' books as you can. I'm not exaggerating when I say you may not always be able to.
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Labour’s priorities are already drifting to donors from people- that caustic fucking moron jk Rowling lining their pockets means transphobia and Lord sainsbury for this. This wasn’t about a change of government, it was about a government not off the rails doing its paymasters bidding.
This doesn't feel like something people considered a priority when they voted. It does feel like it's targeting supermarket theft, which is only done by the most desperate and poor people.
It’s finally here! For years, has been working on an epic series about elite runners who’ve been told they can no longer race as women, because of their biology. TESTED is their story, & the story of sport’s history of dubious sex testing. Ep 1 is now online! <p>Who gets to compete? Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female ...
Seasonal reminder that in addition to my work as a music journalist and antagonist of Eminem stans, I'm also a freelance sub-editor and proofreader. My clients include The Guardian, Stylist and Omnibus Books, but I'm always open to more work and new experiences.
Today's newsletter is about the New York Times, incentives, and its coverage of trans people.
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has responded by punching a small Muslim child in the face, setting Samayya Afzal's house on fire, and setting up a meeting with JK Rowling just in case.
Your whole life being put on hold cause some fucking therapist cant write a fucking email. Test after test to try and find an excuse to deny me care. Having to hide my eating disorder cause i knew they would withdraw all care all together
Thing is i never had any doubt. I knew i was trans and what i wanted. It was these fucking gatekeepers WANTING me to doubt and i will never forgive them
Apropos nothing, my eldest and I got to meet Shirley Manson last night and she was an absolute joy.
This thread right here
In 2012 I wrote a book revealing the deep connections between the US far right and the Swerf/Terf campaigns. I'm not the only one who has reported on this connection, of course.
Unexploded Remnants is out in UK bookshops today! If you'd like to support your local bookshop or your favourite queer bookshop, they are all able to order it for you. I know Category Is in Glasgow will have it in because I watched them order it last week 😍
β€œBouie may have reached hundreds of thousands of people with his pro-trans, anti-racist messages in The 1619 Project, his regular column, and his newsletter…but none of that matters compared to the fact that he hasn’t murdered his boss. Now, time to take a big sip of coffee and learn what racism is”
you would think the complete falseness of this would be SO glaringly apparent to anyone with even a tiny bit of awareness of women’s sports, but coincidentally the same people so vehemently against trans inclusion don’t generally care about women’s sports (or women’s safety, or women’s rights)
JFC, just made the mistake of reading the Jenni Russell article in the Times. Contains such nuggets as "Male sportsmen who become trans women overnight are seizing titles, careers and sports scholarships" and " Trans women are forcing their way into lesbian events, shutting them down if refused"
Instead of supporting trans people by harassing strangers, support trans people by supporting trans people. For instance, buying their books and reading their stories. Hey look, a thread!
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Watching the same generation that ruthlessly bullied gender weirdo kids like me into either the closet or the grave smugly demand evidence of our existence 30 years ago certainly has me feeling Something.
But also, their criteria were specifically designed not to find benefits! According to more relevant markers of quality the evidence is even better. AND they can't find evidence of a single person being rushed into this care too quickly. This entire 'debate' is a tiki torch parade of gaslights.
Something I wish I'd been more explicit about in our episodes is that *even according to the bullshit criteria defined in the Cass Review* they find meaningful benefits for gender-affirming care: Four studies on suicidality and three find improvements.
Pamela Paul is back on her bullshit, stream MP instead
Highly recommend this Maintenance Phase two-parter. Part 2 spends most of the runtime explaining why the Cass Review is so shoddy. Pamela Paul of course doesn't if the work is shoddy since it provides a wedge she can lean on to reinforce the point she wanted to make regardless.
"Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria" Part 1: The Cooties Theory of Transgender Identity - Maintenance Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart and Parker Molloy for fact-checking!Support us:Hear bon...
If you voted Labour with then intention of "pushing them left" once in office and you're not actively trying to do the Angry Brigade at Wes Streeting right now, then you can get in the absolute fucking bin.
Wes Streeting's position on puberty blockers – effectively, fuck trans kids, let them die – shows why marginalised people are disgusted by privileged folks' post-election sycophancy and self-absorption. Columns about the PM's fuckability when his govt is fucking the most vulnerable. Fucking ghouls.
Wes Streeting is a disgrace to queer solidarity and to evidence-based policymaking. That he is Health Secretary will lead to more suicides among trans youth in the UK.
the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with β€œfasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
I once went to an event celebrating Douglas Adams and Caitlin Moran was the only woman speaking and she royally let the side down by GUESS WHAT?
Caitlin Moran write an article about a man that isn't about fancying him challenge.
This is gold. Hard to decide which line to pull, but I'll do with this: "[the Cybertruck's owner was surprised] that the people taking his car out for a joyride worked for the press. He suspected we were going to say mean sβ€”t about Elon, and he was right. Elon Musk is a penis."