Dave Infante

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Dave Infante


covering the beer business for VINEPAIR; covering drinking in america for FINGERS. dm for signal | email: [email protected] (good tips only, thank you) | more: linktr.ee/dinfontay
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
please don't call it "rawdogging" unless it's from the chien cru region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling dissociation
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
Come to this article for "Florida’s second-orangest Boomer B-lister." Stay for Dave's acknowledgment that for many in US history, ideas like freedom, liberty, and inclusion have just meant "I will magnanimously allow you to agree with me." (...and buy my beer)
There’s a halcyon version of the national past where Americans across the political spectrum set aside their differences and had a beer with one another. If that ever existed, it is gone now. Hulk Hogan's new beer is a dismal bid to profit off that vision with the nation's future on the brink.
On ‘Real American Beer,’ a Real American Bummervinepair.com Terry Bollea's Real American Beer is no grand effort to unite the country. It’s just one more clunky campaign to monetize its divisions.
Has NYT done a single story on the Epstein-Trump documents yet? Am I missing it somewhere?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
There’s a halcyon version of the national past where Americans across the political spectrum set aside their differences and had a beer with one another. If that ever existed, it is gone now. Hulk Hogan's new beer is a dismal bid to profit off that vision with the nation's future on the brink.
On ‘Real American Beer,’ a Real American Bummervinepair.com Terry Bollea's Real American Beer is no grand effort to unite the country. It’s just one more clunky campaign to monetize its divisions.
“Remember when party leaders torched 100 million dollars so I could get beat by double digits in a Senate race against Lindsey fucking Graham? Anyway, they put me in charge of the DNC after that, so calm down”
There’s a halcyon version of the national past where Americans across the political spectrum set aside their differences and had a beer with one another. If that ever existed, it is gone now. Hulk Hogan's new beer is a dismal bid to profit off that vision with the nation's future on the brink.
On ‘Real American Beer,’ a Real American Bummervinepair.com Terry Bollea's Real American Beer is no grand effort to unite the country. It’s just one more clunky campaign to monetize its divisions.
TikTok is opening its platform to booze ads. Do you think the industry can be normal about this? Do you think *Congress* can be normal about this? I certainly do not.
The high-stakes TikTok booze ad paradoxwww.fingers.email Plus: How cold IPA got hot!
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
"The Bernie Bros and K-Hive appear to be forming an alliance," I say at the 4th of July cookout. An anvil falls out of the sky directly onto my person, killing me instantly. God appears through the clouds. "I did that," he says. Family and friends applaud politely.
"boilermaker" "shot and a beer" 🤝 having a good one
Your honor, with all due respect, I ain't seen my baby since I don't know when, I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey Scotch and gin
Your honor, with all due respect, there's doctors and lawyers and business executives and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same
oh my god find another fucking reference
Mich Ultra yacht, just like on the teevee!
Pontoon boat AND a yacht. Every Day's A Party, Morgantown WV.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
To make a long story short I need to be put through one of those sausage maker machines
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
i find mfs like this fascinating
As Elon Musk's public persona has become increasingly right wing, Tesla appears to be paying a price in sales. His polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
Elon Musk’s Politics May Be Pushing Some Buyers Away From Teslawww.nytimes.com The Tesla chief executive’s polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
stopped back in on twitter to check on something. really impressed by how effectively mr. musk has rid the site of bots. masterful gambit, sir!
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
the conservative theory of law in one headline
Agreed. He has some self-inflicted vulnerability because he biffed it on the rail strike in 2022, but the admin's NLRB is clear-eyed and aggressive; its FTC is seriously talking about labor as an anti-trust issue in suits (e.g., Kroger-Albertsons.) It's not just that he walked the UAW strike line.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
"I do not support purity tests for this party," I say, pouring a beaker of urine in the punch
local newspapers must get better at managing paying subscribers' accounts. this shit was table stakes a decade ago. if you require cancelation/vacation holds/etc. over the phone, you're making yourself radioactive to most people under 40.
"There is a large contingent of people on our side who believe in American institutions... Those people have been proven wrong. The evidence is in. Enough is enough. Open your eyes and look at reality." — @hamiltonnolan.bsky.social
The End of Liberal Institutionalismwww.hamiltonnolan.com Excessive belief in institutions is a proven failure.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
It looks like someone’s taking one of those hairless cats to the vet to be euthanized
So interesting! Was the Hugo on White Lotus Season 2? ...No? Will it pop on a grid post? ...No? Then why are we still talking about it?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Infante
i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/o...
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, Sirwww.nytimes.com The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.