Tony Fettucine™

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Tony Fettucine™

Has it never been explained to you that self-pity undermines sarcasm?

TAFKA @bcfnt on twitter
radio reminder: spiral through to the weekend with me on WTJU 91.1 fm today 2-4 pm eastern on wtju dot net. we love you!
radio reminder: i'm doing my first show since may 10 today 2-4pm eastern at wtju dot net. baconfat's back, baby!
happy deer creek riot 1995 day to all who celebrate
I have a rubric for assessing if any cheap restaurant of any ethnicity in any location is good. Feel free to use it: 1. Men of working age are loitering in track suits 2. Old men playing cards 3. Someone’s minor child manning the register and sulking 4. An elderly woman with a small child
"nothing from nothing leaves nothing" - i hope everyone at the quasi show in dc tonight has a blast; i sadly won't be there.
Bob Good reaping: Well this sucks. What the fuck.
radio reminder: playing 2 hours of steve albini-engineered records today from 2-4 pm eastern on the deadbeat club at wtju dot net and 91.1 fm in central virginia
its kinda funny that Billy Corgan's ego is so fragile that being called a Nature Boy on a Pavement track broke his psyche
radio reminder: i'm on the air today 2-4pm eastern with the deadbeat club on WTJU, post-marathon edition. would love it if you tuned in at wtju dot net or 91.1 fm in charlottesville.
radio reminder: i'm playing 2 hours from the catalog of Yoga Records this evening 6-8 pm eastern for WTJU-FM in Charlottesville. Check my Q&A with Yoga owner Douglas Mcgowan here:
I'm not pulling any punches here: one of the most evil, mendacious and destructive people of modern American history has died and I for one will shed no tears. Neither should anybody.
Bennett Braun, Psychiatrist Who Fueled ‘Satanic Panic,’ Dies at He diagnosed dozens of patients with what he said were suppressed memories of being tortured by cults. He later lost his license.
radio reminder: invading the airwaves over central virginia today 2-4pm eastern at wtju dot net and 91.1 fm in cville
radio reminder: hey listen to me i'm on the stereo today 2-4 pm eastern for the deadbeat club at wtju dot net online or 91.1 fm in central va my baby baby baby gimme malaria hysteria
The fake panic over shoplifting was about putting in locked shelves to cover for understaffing
someone needs to cancel freddie’s media subs (including spotify) so he can get back to saving education.
Freddie deBoer protesting that you will be bullied by the wokes if you don't say you like the new True Detective season - just conservatives completely making up someone to be bullied by. Believe me, you can say you don't like True Detective! No one cares!
radio reminder: staggering through carnival/ash wednesday week with a desultory selection of musical vibes on WTJU today from 2-4 pm eastern. tune in at wtju dot net or 91.1 fm in central virginia
On this 20th anniversary of Nipplegate, I would like to wish a very hearty "Fuck you!" to Justin Timberlake.
radio reminder: doing the friday afternoon thing again on wtju radio tomorrow 2-4 pm eastern at 91.1 fm in c-ville / wtju dot net worldwide.
are sports bros still naming their kids espen or is that too woke now?
“every track’s a bonus track” -dumpland
OTD 16 years ago yo la tengo managed to kill off a charlottesville venue for the third and final(?) time:
The Stages of a Virginia Snowstorm 1) The Forecast 2) The Riots in the Aisle with the Wonder Bread 3) The Sullen Desultory Drizzle
radio reminder: ring in the new year (+4 days) with the deadbeat club today 2-4 pm east coast time. only on wtju dot net or 91.1 fm in central virginia
this list is extremely pedestrian but i'm the first to admit that i've totally lost the plot on new music since 2018.
2 hours from now!
radio reminder: winding down this year with 2 hours of the deadbeat club on WTJU friday afternoon 2-4pm eastern time - 91.1 fm in central va / wtju dot net worldwide.
there’s bound to be some cruise happening soon with this lineup, right? dynamite hack 2 skinnee j’s jimmie’s chicken shack everything
radio reminder: winding down this year with 2 hours of the deadbeat club on WTJU friday afternoon 2-4pm eastern time - 91.1 fm in central va / wtju dot net worldwide.
happy one-year-until-hanukkah for all my jewish friends.
he also put out the first half-dozen singles and LPs by the american analog set, who are getting a reissue treatment by numero group soon.
If “Cubs in Five” is one of your tMG jams then spare a thought today for Craig Stewart, who released it on his Emperor Jones label in 1995. Craig died yesterday. He’d had many health struggles going back a decade or more. Hard to say where I’d be today without Craig and Emperor Jones.