
I choose to believe that those 22% were all just being pedantic about the definition of the word “shell” and whether a cell membrane constitutes a shell. Because the alternative is just too disquieting.
"in a poll in August 2020 whether it was true that “most women get their period on the first of the month,” 75 percent got the right answer — false — but a notable 21 percent said they were “not sure.”" It's definitely not 22% being pedantic.
To analyze it beyond a joke (either how dumb those dudes are or how I don’t want to live in a world where that number of people think that) we’d need to look at the actual surveys the article is referring to and I’m having trouble finding either.
I have had to explain to a pregnant woman that no, eating spicy food will not burn your fetus’s eyes; and no, your fetus cannot choke on popcorn kernels if you eat popcorn. I would bet real money that that number is really accurate.
That’s what’s weird about it. In the first example in the article 75% were correct, 21% weren’t sure, leaving only 4% having been confident in the wrong answer? As you point out, wouldn’t we expect way more than that?
Oh, I see. No, I still think that’s fair. Most people haven’t thought about it, and are guessing, i would bet. The woman I talked to asked me, when she saw me studying
Whoops, sent too early. I was studying obstetrics for an exam and she saw the labeled pictures and asked to see them. She wasn’t sure these old-wives tales were correct, but had been too embarrassed to ask.
That’s part of why the methodology and context of the question matters. For example: if this is an online survey people are clicking through it’s very easy to click “I don’t know” absentmindedly even where, if the person spent five seconds thinking about it, do know.
I generally think of that survey that showed that something like 25% of respondents thought the U.S. should bomb Agrabah (i.e. the city from Disney's Aladdin) and I just thought "I would ABSOLUTELY answer 'Hell yes! You need to take them out before they can deploy the Genie!"