
Wait am I reading discourse on here that people are discovering subsistence farming is actually hard often backbreaking work? I swear to god my rural ass is going to become the joker
shit even Stardew valley gets pretty tedious
Right? And RL has an annoying lack of magical caves *or* cute redheaded beach poets.
I did all that work and all I got was this cotton that I now have to process into something that will eventually be a T-shirt
Or even more realistically I did all that work and it rained at the wrong time so now I have half of what I need or nothing at all
Say what you will about Naked & Afraid, but if there's one lesson everyone takes away, it's that surviving in the wild is hard AF. Seeds would make it easier in the long run, but not many people could survive long enough to harvest anything.
Yeah I mean people think work is hard now, you know who absolutely doesn't give two fucks about your mental health, PTO, whether you're sick or have need for a personal day? Livestock, crops, the weather, working animals, harvest timelines
It's not something you actually want to do! It's not fun! Sure, you can run a hobby farm and play farmer while making money elsewhere, but I keep seeing people decide to become homesteaders, and oh hell no.
I'll always encourage people to get closer to their food, largely because hunting >>>>> factory farming, and growing stuff is pretty great, but not many people actually want to live life on Ultra Hard Mode.
Yeah exactly even with hunting, I don't think people realize that it's a lot more than nicking bambi in the woods, you have to be fairly skilled at tracking and then dressing, storage
My brother maybe averages two deer a season. That's a lot of meat, but it's not actually that much meat. At least as far as feeding your family goes.
I feel like people have romanticized it like they'll do a fun little shift & then go have cakes & ale & like LOL the amount of things that have to break your way for that to go down that way - Vegas has better odds & I'm thinking about how much better farming has gotten w/modern technique/tools
I mean, if you can afford 100,000 acres to turn into corn, go for it, I guess. But at that point, you're not actually a farmer. You're an employer.
Truly non-stop work. I’m not a farmer but live in farm country. It rains heavily in April/May with a risk of snow and ice, and knowing when to put things in the ground is always a struggle. Things grow quickly in the summer, so you’re constantly out there picking, watering, deer-proofing.
Wanna make your life 100x harder? Try growing your own food! It's the best except for how miserable it will make you.
Yuuuup. I tried for three years on my land, but after having babies, there was no way I could do both (which people also manage to do, and I’m constantly like 🤯)
I'll always respect the folks who make it work, but I'm also an oh hell no on making it work myself because legitimately fuck that. Love the people who do, but oh hell no.
Plus "harvest timeline" isn't an exact science working to a strict calendar either. The crops will be ready when they're ready, and if you're lucky the weather won't turn and destroy enough of them to make the entire season worthless before enough are ready to make harvesting worth the effort.
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I went to a hippie dippy elementary school that used to be a farm and even with a new age tree hugging gloss it killed any romance notions about farm life.
Just breathed out the longest sigh
What? My ranching grandparents and uncles are laughing their asses off from beyond the grave.