Zack (he/him) | Bammax Games

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Zack (he/him) | Bammax Games

TTRPG creator and editor. neurodivergent midwest leftist trash. thoughts are my own. #playmoregames

SPAR beta out now!
Dana-Dan is EXACTLY the correct Bloodywood song to have included in Monkey Man
UPCOMING SPAR MISSION: Longstride Research Facility has gone dark from an Ellis-Bronnikov traversable wormhole (EBW or "ebb") experiment gone awry. Your mission: investigate, contain, and secure. Ten facility sections, three unique labs, 31 flavors of weird. Unnamed, coming soon.
I have reminders in my phone for when our pets have passed. today marks six years since we lost our street cat. our perching specialist, Julie.
I've learned more SQL in the past month than I have the entire rest of my career, and I've been using SQL for well over half my career...
"To offer condemnations of political violence only when the right is its object serves as a form of discipline—to subdue those who are the targets of the right’s political violence and all those who oppose it."
What if, for a change of pace, literally anything good happened?
TTRPG DESIGN/LAYOUT FOLKS: Looking for advice regarding y'all's processes (work scoping, timelines, etc.) and personal rates. Know a few people scoping design/layout freelancing, but are unsure exactly where/how to start on the "business side". Any advice appreciated, thanks y'all!
None of my friends do business with Sticker Mule.
Dunno if it'll be ready by #FrenCon, but the first official SPAR mission is past ideation into comp! * Ten-section facility (1-2 sessions) with three distinct sandbox challenges * Embedded post-mission hooks * Platformer physics * Loads of weird, cool shit * Statted for—at minimum—SPAR and FIST
"zack, why do you hate summer so much?"
Reminder that telling a designer a story of what happened when you ran their adventure is better than almost anything else you can do for them (apart from recommending the adventure to a friend). Just got a story in the comments on Itch for an adventure and it absolutely made my day. #ttrpg
I need y'all to STOP complaining the shooter didn't succeed yesterday. Do you have any concept of how many innocent people would've died in the streets last night? this week? Didn't think about that for your little funny hahas? Nah of course you didn't.
and we're supposed to just... continue as though nothing's happening?
starting to transition Bart to older dog food 🥲
Did you know Farscape is streaming around the clock?
I was criminally late to discovering Paleface Swiss
Vote for Runecairn Bestiary for Best Monster! ENNIE Award voting is now open, so please cast your vote for my little book! While you're at it, also vote for the amazing work from,, and more!
On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
“In the back end, these algorithms that need to be running for any generative AI model are fundamentally very, very different from the traditional kind of Google Search or email…”
AI's Energy Demands Are Out of Control. Welcome to the Internet's Hyper-Consumption Generative artificial intelligence tools, now part of the everyday user experience online, are causing stress on local power grids and mass water evaporation.
no AI bro wants to acknowledge how every single query you run takes as much energy as it takes to charge seven electric vehicles from empty to full. probably because it slaughters the viability of what they're trying to push to anyone who gives even the slightest fuck about the environment.
The downward slide of Etsy since their IPO is such a disappointment. It’s already difficult to find genuine craftspeople and artists on Etsy, and now they’re adding generated image slop on top of the mass produced crap.
"What do you do for work?" [points to four open Power BI files covering completely different material] "ADHD"
boomers run the government like they parent.
churches should not have tax exempt status
I'm looking for a 2-player TTRPG that facilitates testimonial. My ideal is that the GM is "interviewing" the player on their recollection of an event, and the game is guiding us through that recollection.
three weeks to finish writing a one-shot – that's attainable right? ten individual locations, plus stat blocks, items, and 6-8 pregens?
signs of a recession in media: • most ads are celebrity ads • series/franchise reboots no one wanted • series/franchise remakes no one wanted • spike in energetic pop about independence and living in the moment / "Keshacore" • spike in hustle-focused AND "thankfulcore" hip-hop/rap
2.2 million people don't have power in Texas and it's 93ºF in Houston today and tomorrow. (pic unrelated)
dear yt people leave Black people alone re: the election. 98% of Black women voters vote Dem and in spite of recent poles that number is 90% for Black men. we aren't your problem it's your OWN demographic there's plenty of their posts and your own family to harangue.