Banach Space Program

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Banach Space Program

"I stand on you. Now we make sexytimes?" -

Happy Larry Doby Day! Criminally underlooked by MLB(as per their standard fumblefucking of history)
I am the only person in this place who speaks English as a first language, lunch is going to be delicious
Our tiny dog is afraid of the sound of our washing machine, but has zero fear of the fireworks getting shot off right down the street.
It is amazing how many different things the company has granted me access to in the systems, just because people got tired of me repeatedly having to ask them for them to do other parts of my job.
One of my favorite summer foods, homemade pickled peppers. 1 Hungarian Wax, 1 jalapeño, 2 clove of garlic, sugar, kosher salt, white wine vinegar, water. Time from picking to pickling was approximately 10 minutes
The Ohio redistricting petition group says they're turning in ~731K sigs this week. The repro freedom petition group turned in ~710K signatures, of which 70% were valid(496K). It will almost certainly be on the ballot.
Jhonkensy Noel just hit a fucking one-iron out to left. An absolute LASER shot. 115 off the bat, 22 degree launch angle.
On the one hand, it is a little sad that a local restaurant institution is closing after almost 60 years. On the other hand, the founder is the one closing it so he can retire, and that makes me happy for him
For those of you unaware (since I know we've talked about the company here before), Jeni's Ice Cream just had ANOTHER recall for listeria, because their food safety is dogshit. I used to think that descriptor was metaphorical, but I'm becoming convinced it may be literal
Jhonkensy Noel, first MLB AB for a home run!
Slow pitch softball game in Baltimore tonight
I think the most important thing I learned in math was a fuckup I made working on my thesis, that I caught. I was working through a proof, and the result ended up "proving" the existence of an odd perfect number. So, I had to step back and say, "did I just win a Fields Medal, or did I fuck up?"
He doesn't seem smart enough to get it- that, or too thick headed to understand. I wouldn't pretend to understand how to code, he doesn't get to pretend to understand the law
Darren McCaughan is a walking, talking "DFA me" sign. And he also looks like your weird older cousin who moved to California, smokes too much weed, and still thinks he's tough.
Angel Martinez with his first MLB hit- congrats, dude!
A new addition to the "Lemon's beverages drive crazy" collection... Can't and bottles of Coke Zero, plus Diet Pepsi.
Almost happened in the Cleveland game today, but I have a question for - reliever comes in with nobody out and a runner on first. Picks off the runner, then has back-to-back 3-pitch Ks. It isn't an immaculate inning, of course, but it is almost one
Daniel Schneeman insisting that he be in the lineup every day, just hit a laser beam HR to right center off a lefty
The Cleveland Guardians saw 70 pitches in the second inning tonight, the most thrown by any team in any half inning in MLB all season so far, topping the previous lead by 11 pitches
Four variants of "no," two of "fuck you" in about 3 minutes of response time. We're cooking with gas, baby!
Ohio State just hired away Campbell's baseball coach. Guess we'll see if this sticks, and if he can do some winning in Ohio.
Thank you for a wonderful 17 years, I'll miss you forever. Love you so much, little girl.
There may be a few ballplayers that were Willie's equal, ain't never been a better one. I got to meet him at a Hall of Fame induction one year, and he spent our entire chat talking about MY baseball career. Heaven's angels could carry him home, but he'll outrun them first to third.
Hey - did you see Michigan released cell phone wallpapers celebrating their football MNC? And that they used pictures of Ohio State's AP National title trophy in them?
That's a horrid call by the third base ump