
Devastating. Just horrifying to see how organized labor is changing lives. Something must be done.
Somewhat related, one of my friend who teachers music in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL told me a student left her recital to "take a call" and I've been laughing about it for DAYS.
"Can you hold my flute? This might be important. No it's fine. Just 3 minutes. No I really need to take this."
My favorite slide from this one is how they made a sign that says "Strike now" which seems less like a strike demand than a public call to action. I need to make strike now signs.
Somewhat related, my middle school child independently decided to have a pizza delivery for lunch using Apple Pay.
"Hey, teach, I'll be right back. I need to run to the office to pick up my food delivery. I got you a milkshake!"
This actually happens in my classroom, though students aren't allowed to pick up the food themselves so I agree to pick up one order a day provided they get me something.
Omg what is happening in our schools 😂
Apple pay........... On his allowance account? (!!??)
I have the vaguest memory of the idea of ordering a pizza delivery via the junior high payphone but nobody ever being brave enough to do it
Wait you mean the teacher shortage is bad pay? But I was told by asshats that....can't even manage sarcasm. Unions rule.
Wait workers care about being able to feed their families?
Or having their child cared for? 🫠
I dunno, I feel like that's a leftist lie. Obviously, workers just exist on pizza parties and the occasional good review from management.
You know that teachers work in ‘right to work’ for less and be fired for nothing states, right? Moved from a union state to a right to work state in 2014. My salary decreased $42,000. Same job. There was a union there, but they were kneecapped by state laws.
Different laws. Every state, ironically, except Montana, is an at all employment state. Shocking, right?
There needs to be a better name for it. 'right to work' doesn't work.
I call it "Right to be fired" but "Right to discard human beings like broken cogs in a machine" would be the most accurate.
Accurate. But I would say I’ve never felt safer- nobody wanted those jobs.
trouble with teaching is that it's public sector, and there's basically no labor laws pertaining to public sector workers/organizing on the federal level. in fact basically the only federal law pertaining to us is Janus v AFSCME making us all explicitly right-to-work even in non-rtw law states
But I was led to believe that teachers are motivated by love of teaching, so it doesn’t matter what they’re paid?
Sunlight and the occasional apple from an A student...... Thats all they need..
Just went over a month with no sunlight here, the teacher crop will never grow
That sounds horrendous, are you somewhere where you at least get the Northern Lights?
I looked it up to be fair and "no sunlight for a month" is a bit of an exaggeration. We had around a week of sunshine the whole month!
No worries, you can still harvest a gaggle of Teachers Aides..... .... Or, substitues!
I hear you don't even have to water adjuncts.
DELTA: "YOU could have gotten a PS4 Pro, but NOOOOO- you just HAD to go a help a family get proper care for their child. I hope you're satisifed."
Them: “Union dues will cost you about $700 every year. Isn’t that awful?” Worker: “And how much more will I get paid under the new union contract?” Them: “Look…that’s not the point here…”
“So Delta, pay us for work we do before the plane door closes, and then I could afford that.”
but what idiot thought flight attendants want to spend $700 on a video game. They're grown ass women (and some men).
Like if I were that terrible ad campaign, I'd put ... a fancy restaurant and tickets to a Broadway show?
The flyers we get for our union are always like, "With your union dues you could buy a WHOLE EXTRA BAG OF GROCERIES every month!" Which, like, I mean maybe, but I already buy all the groceries I need every month, something I am able to do because of my contractually-mandated pay increases.
Weird how that works out, huh
OK, all right. It's a stupid and incredibly offensive advert there, yes, but you do know adults play video games, right. Like, that's a fully normal thing. Talking about it like it's a bad thing is super fucking weird.
Also, $700 a year doesn't seem like huge money, particularly if my union succeeds in increasing my take-home by, say, $701 a year.
The idea that video games are for kids is because Gen X and older Millennials were kids when home video game consoles first appeared on the scene. But those kids are now in their 40s & 50s, and the games industry kept making games for them, as well as kids games. Video games are for everybody.
Hell, the genesis of a toxic political movement was sparked by a video game about coping with depression.
Excuse me, but which one was this?
Depression Quest. An indie text adventure in which you're presented a variety of choices in order to progress the story. The gimmick is that the sensible choices kep getting "X"ed out, because depression, so you're forced to go with more miserable options.
Shittiest anti-union ad campaign award goes to Delta! We have many problems here in the UK, but I'm happy to say that this kind of thing is very much not permitted. It's abhorrent, it should be a criminal offence and whoever came up with it, well, I hope you feel deep shame every, single, day.
And if they don't, we'll keep sharing this ad! Five years old and counting!
Imagine how much better this ad would have been if they had hired union workers instead of some half-brained toady