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What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
This is a fundamental challenge for incorporating community input into transportation planning. People are experts at their lived experiences. They are terrible at predicting how that experience might change if the system changed.
"No one I spoke to for this piece could name a recent sizable pedestrianization or traffic-reduction scheme that had been reversed once it had been given time to have an effect."
I mean, it’s the totality of the human condition, Michael. What could it take to describe it? 300 characters?
We’re instituting Dynamic Bryce-ing, where we adjust how many guys named Bryce there are based on how many Frisbees need throwing around
End of feed.