Bill Marsh

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Bill Marsh

City prof, country poet, essayist, union+. Copper Nickel, Cimarron Review, The Normal School, Bayou Mag, Allium. 2xBAE notable. Angling for truth in a big lie pond.
Happy Sower Day “…I dreamed a reminder that it’s all a lie.”
Apropos of *gestures around at everything* Today is the day that Parable of the Sower begins.
“The most important work before us involves a commitment to the idea that we are all worth fighting for. A counterculture of care and a refusal to abandon one another must be at the heart of our antifascist politics.”
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I have wanted for years for Democrats to make the Supreme Court a major part of their campaigns the way the right has. I’m glad to see this. I wish it hadn’t taken the conservatives on SCOTUS showing their whole ass to make it happen.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Marsh
Small sample of things #Project2025 wants to get rid of: -Abortion -Pornography -Overtime pay -Social Security -Veterans' disability benefits -19th Amendment (women voting) If that doesn't hit every demographic, IDK what would.
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If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
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"Stop Genocide" Seen in Sonoma, California
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
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This is the move. Make the Supreme Court tie itself in knots.
So can’t Biden now, as an official act, render Trump ineligible to run? Strip him of citizenship? Do anything that will force Republicans, for a change, to waste time in court fighting the very powers they just ‘won’?
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Trump telling oil billionaires he would gladly accept a $1B bribe to be their puppet president: 1 day story Biden has lousy first half of debate: Top headline on 3rd day & counting
“The invention of hydraulic engineering in the 3rd century BCE led to the popularity of a hydraulic model of human intelligence, the idea that the flow of different fluids in the body – the ‘humours’ – accounted for both our physical and mental functioning.” I’ve always been fond of that one.
Jeebus. I just woke up. "the idea that humans must be information processors just because computers are information processors is just plain silly" I'm stunned by the realization that our brains never actually recall/retrieve anything from memory/storage.
Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer
Working on the river, loving how cozy this setup feels, older machine, offline forever, no updates, no crashes, software installed from actual disks. Didn’t realize how much I missed this kind of project-based design work. Paper to scanner to screen, where the fun begins. #poetry
Definitely not going in the dumpster.
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Christian Nationalism: The belief America is defined by Christianity + its government must take active steps to keep it a "Christian Nation," by which its adherents mean Anglo-Protestant + generally white. Your tax dollars are now funding its schools.
Tax Dollars Are Now Funding Christian-Nationalist Owing to Republican school-voucher initiatives and a toxic 2022 Supreme Court decision, public funds are subsidizing a new breed of religious school.
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Looking forward to the pie. Sure wish crust grew on trees. 🌱
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Marsh
Oh boy it's Pride and I'm already seeing anodyne "love is love" shit so: Trans rights are human rights. Protect trans people, especially trans people of color and trans children. Gay marriage must remain recognized and legal at the federal level. Cis hets, write congress and tell em.
Hardy kiwi ❤️💚 🌱
“Rio Tinto and BHP…have staked their claim here through a joint venture called Resolution Copper. For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground.”
The ancient, sacred grounds of Apache Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.
Brandi Morin: The Apache stronghold standing in the way of a massive copper “If they want to remove me, they're going to have to remove me, forcefully.”
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I need to raise some funds to support political education work this summer. We are launching a new container called the Doing Justice Collaborative, which will offer training and workshops on an as-needed basis for movement groups, including newly mobilized students.
Activists and organizers need support to get their learn We are incubating a new project to help movement builders learn together We are launching a new container for our political education work. The Doing Justice Collaborative will build new curriculums, ...
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If you're part of a student group that would like to participate in some political education based on Let This Radicalize You this summer, hit me up. Virtual or in-person is possible, depending on where you are located. (Doesn't have to be a formal group.)
Threw down a bunch of old random seeds, now a garden of mixed greens! 🌱
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They want right-wing speech to be protected on campus and people protesting genocide to be ground under. Some people call this hypocrisy, but it's much more sinister than that. These double standards are about HIERARCHY. They're about how the right wants to order the world.
“Today, the land where the villagers lived is a government farming program to employ Assamese speakers — the majority of whom are Hindu. One nearby school was turned into a Hindu temple. A local mosque was converted into housing.”
“Much as Palestine has been used as a laboratory for Israeli weapons and border technology sold across the world, Assam has become the primary testing ground for Hindu nationalist policies expanding across India.”
Hindu Nationalists Are Taking Notes—and Tech Support—From the Israeli The state of Assam has become a laboratory of ethnonationalism, with warning signs of genocide ahead.