Bill Detty

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Bill Detty

I’m not like everybody else. This is where I belong.
I’m long past the age where if I sleep wrong I’ll hurt all the next day. Now if I sleep wrong I hurt for at least the next two weeks.
In today’s episode of Boomers with Cellphones, one of us somehow managed to butt dial the person he was already talking to.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
mike echo oscar whiskey i repeat mike echo oscar whiskey
“I’ve never had a job I didn’t get fired from after a year or two, obviously people don’t want good workers.”
You know, sometimes you read someone's own account of things, and no matter how much benefit of the doubt you want to extend, it is very clear that this person is the single common thread linking the entire chain of disaster.
If you see this, post a photo you took at sunset.
If you see this, post a photo you took at sunset.
Not the kind of MAGA sticker we usually see around here.
My greatniece Dylan and her mom Ashley are here with us today. Dylan's 18, so mom is always wrong. Today she shot down a point Ashley was trying to make by saying "That's un-irrelephant!"
So I just sat down in the hotel lobby and who passes me but some 30ish guy wearing a T shirt with the Reagan Bush 84 campaign logo on it. Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
Even if we did want security cameras we probably wouldn’t buy them from door to door salesmen.
An article Ron just read me had a line about some city official of a hundred years ago complaining that something was “incompatible with modernity.” We need to dust off that phrase and use it freely against the huge numbers of people who deserve it.
Reskeet with a banger picture of your cat
reskeet with a banger picture of your cat
Catered eclipse event includes moon pies for dessert; however, the chip selection didn’t include Sun chips.
Minor mystery: where, exactly, did my sis-in-law learn the term “butthurt”?
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
I saw someone in a forum once demonstrating how AI isn't capable of reasoning by telling it, "Help I’m scared my dog is pointing a gun at me and he just reloaded," to see what it says. Here's what Google's Gemini just told me.
At least 3 red flags just in the preview of this email.
OH diner at breakfast: “I heard they were having satanic rituals there.”
What do you mean, there’s no Super Bowl red carpet?
We went to our greatniece’s birthday party today and one thing I was not expecting to hear was the dance club remix of “The Wellerman.”
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
I recently learned that in Norway, when someone asks "how's it going", the standard answer is "up and not crying" and we should adopt this asap
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
Comics will break your heart for a lot of reasons but the one that is constantly crushing me is seeing absolutely incredible, genius talents barely scraping by. Comics is fucking full of them. Pay living human artists
Just saw an ad for an event called Lifesurge whose purpose is apparently to bolster your faith and your finances? Not sure how that’s supposed to work.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
One thing about researching why the world sucks: it will inevitably turn up some ex-Nazi hired by the United States to create the postwar order
DeSantis: *drops out* Haley campaign: iT’s a tWo peRsOn RaCe
I’ve said this before: the people who only know that one quote are the ones who squawk when someone judges them by the content of their character.
I didn’t know this was a thing outside movies, but a guy at the Waffle House just now had L O V E tattooed on the knuckles of his right hand and H A T E on his left.
Sleep and meds kicked in like they’re supposed to and all of a sudden I feel like doing something to rectify the glaring deficiencies of my housekeeping. Irksome.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
I am *this close* to actually checking Twitter to see the responses because...what
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
This is a high quality Bushism, the likes of which we haven’t seen in years
Karen at the city animal shelter is OUTRAGED over a 20-minute wait because I guess they were supposed to have her papers all filled out and she said “I’m going call the fucking mayor.”
Reposted byAvatar Bill Detty
Guy who grew up drinking from lead pipes seeing a gay person: This is why Rome fell