shaka ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‘‘

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shaka ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‘‘

writer, poet and renegade wordsmith โœ๐Ÿพ โ€ข son of thoth and yemoja โ€ข hoarder of plants, books, and vinyl records โ€ข my loyalty isn't blind โ€ข vocal anarcho-progressive and socialist activist โœŠ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

decolonise your mind, body and soul.
The fact that western media no longer talk about Israel's #GenocideinGaza and the oppression of Palestinians anywhere under Israeli rule, does not mean that genocide and oppression have stopped. It means they are being NORMALISED. #Humanity wake up! โ€” Francesca Albanese.
Horrific Air strike on Gaza school, breaking all norms of international humanitarian law, slaughters at least 16 people. Just because it isnโ€™t in the headlines anymore, doesnโ€™t mean the killing of innocents in Gaza has stopped. Donโ€™t look away.
im exhausted of it and i find it incredibly insufferable i am not an american
There's an article in the Financial Times titled, "How to protect your wealth from future Labour tax raids: Advisers plot ways to 'Labour-proof' clients' finances after landslide victory." As if I needed further reason to dislike the super wealthy and cutthroat capitalists.
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
American politicians (from both parties) lie, scheme, cheat, kill, steal, and take the voters and democracy for granted every single day. And then when it's election season again, they go back to wanting to "save" democracy all over again. Must be exhausting being an American voter.
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ
Western countries, when they're forced to look back at the atrocities they committed in non-western countries: Yes, it was a 'dark chapter'. Me: Yeah, more like a regular Tuesday for y'all.
Jeremy Corbyn is everything a progressive politician should be. It's not often that I praise a white progressive. I don't trust white people, especially white progressives, but Jeremy Corbyn is one man that has impressed me a lot. History will be kind to him, and I'll do my part in seeing to it.
It's also important to note that head-to-head, Jeremy Corbyn secured 600,000 more votes than Keir Starmer. The election was more of a Tory defeat than a Labour win. A Jeremy Corbyn defeat would have emboldened the zionists in Israel and the UK Labour party, and that would have been a sad sad day!
I fucking hate hearing American politicians talk about failing businesses with the "too big to fail" line. They mostly do this when it comes to banks. Once a bank starts going through difficult times, they'd immediately bail it out, and then you'd hear the "too big to fail" nonsense.
There's this idea that American democratic voters and biden supporters have, that what's happening in Palestine won't find its way home to them. Well, I've got news for y'all. If they (democrats and republicans) are comfortable killing Palestinians, then they'll be very comfortable killing y'all.
The tactics of genocide and colonisation are inevitably turned inwards toward the colonisers' own people. They call it the "Palestinian laboratory" for a reason. All the weapons, espionage, and policing tactics they use there will eventually be used on y'all as well.
People love to act shocked at the violence meted out on anti genocide student protesters, as if American cops aren't learning those tactics from the IOF. The rules of violence they have set for others, is exactly the same rules of violence they will use at home when the time comes.
And if you wanna see those rules of violence in action, watch how the police quell demonstrations when Black folks protest police murders. So I honestly don't know what kinda genocidal democracy Joe Biden will be "protecting" for y'all.
If Americans lived in a country with strong, independent, and reliable democratic institutions, they wouldn't be scared of the republicans and their project 2025, because they'd know that no matter what undemocratic nonsense trump and his goons cough up, those strong institutions would stop them.
But America isn't a democracy, let alone one with strong, reliable, or independent democratic institutions. And if I have to be honest, the political scientist in me wants trump to win the next election. I wanna see how much America's so-called "democratic" institutions can take.
I really wanna see how those institutions weather an undemocratic and fascist storm like trump. I mean, they're currently struggling against an undemocratic, zionist, and genocidal storm, so I wanna see how well they hold against a christo-fascist & white supremacist storm like trump and his goons.
And maybe, when those institutions fail to weather the storm, that will finally push Americans over the edge โ€” force them to do something about their two-party "lesser of two evils" system. Honestly, the political scientist in me really wants to see it play out. I'd probably write a book about it.
If Americans lived in a country with strong, independent, and reliable democratic institutions, they wouldn't be scared of the republicans and their project 2025, because they'd know that no matter what undemocratic nonsense trump and his goons cough up, those strong institutions would stop them.
One would think "Too big to fail" would intrinsically be evidence of anticompetitive behavior: If they're too big to fail, they've made themselves too big to compete with unless you enter the market already prepared to cover their potential failure. How are we bailing out without splitting them?
Whenever I'm in a discussion group, talking about communism and socialism, I'm often met with the "communism is a utopian idea" rhetoric from capitalists. And they're often surprised by the fact that I don't try to debate them on that front. I actually agree (somewhat) with them.
Yes, communism and socialism are utopian ideas. And I say this because, personally, I see socialism and communism as a PROCESS and a GOAL. Not the end product or the destination. And when I say this, I often notice that I confuse capitalists.
And it's weird that they don't understand what I mean, when, if we're being honest, capitalism itself, is also a utopian idea. It's even weirder how so many capitalists do not understand that capitalism isn't a final destination. It's a process, it's just that we happen to be LIVING the process now!
The idea of "free markets", "big business with big profits", countless jobs created, good stocks, cheap labour, unlimited resources (raw materials), and unending patronage, are all ASPIRATIONAL. They're all part of a process of working to arrive at the capitalist utopia of a "free market" paradise.
None of those things are assured. And that's why it's ASPIRATIONAL. Not every capitalist entity achieves those goals, still, capitalists are allowed to dream, and are given societal and governmental backing, and free rein to chase those ASPIRATIONAL goals.
Sadly, communists and socialists do not enjoy this privilege of being allowed to dream, or to peacefully chase the communist and socialist dream or utopia. Just like communism and socialism, capitalism isn't an end product. But the experiment is never allowed to be tried, let alone succeed.
The idea is to try socialism and communism as a system, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, tweak the system as many times as possible, and see how it can help us arrive at a version that can help build a more happy, just, and equal world.
Communism and socialism are dreams, goals, and aspirations. Unfortunately, the chance to build that dream, to chase that goal, and to take a shot at achieving that utopia, has been snatched or killed off, at every turn, by the racist, white supremacist, and genocidal west. It's truly unfortunate.
Whenever I'm in a discussion group, talking about communism and socialism, I'm often met with the "communism is a utopian idea" rhetoric from capitalists. And they're often surprised by the fact that I don't try to debate them on that front. I actually agree (somewhat) with them.