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Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
We have a red squirrel visiting our garden for the first time since 2013 and it is impossibly cute 🐿️
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
If you see this, post your blue art 💙 🎨 #shinmegamitensei #atlus
If you see this, post your blue art 💙 #selfpromo #arttrain
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Yo estoy en el Celsius pero la tetería sigue explorando el tema "cómo alimentamos a este vampiro ahora" #webcomic #latazamediollena
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
The Best Of Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller August 16,1971
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
The idea that being blocked is an aggressive act or "social violence" or whatever is maybe the single most ridiculous thing about social media I block all the time. Vibes are bad? One too many posts about kinks I really don't wanna see? It's literally just a curation tool for your account.
this is just my personal opinion and you may disagree with me. but i would also be cautious about ascribing too much meaning behind being blocked by someone with a lot of followers who gets a lot of replies all the time. or being blocked by anyone at all!
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
An asshole with twenty dollars is his own problem. An asshole with a billion dollars is everyone's problem.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
¿Sabéis que está dibujando un cómic Juego que publicaremos a principio de año, verdad?
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Hoy en el blog: cómo preparo las páginas de La taza medio llena para que salgan rápido y bien (y así poder centrarme en lo importante, que son las pestañas de Liliidae)
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
For this Shark Awareness Day, I thought I'd repost these funny and old illustrations that share some facts about sharks! 🦈✨ #SharkAwarenessDay
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Este sábado a la hora de la merienda nos vemos en el #festivalcelsius para hablar de cocollonas, conejitos lunares y dragones alérgicos, con la absoluta seriedad que el tema merece 👇
¿Y vais a estar pululando los días anteriores o solo venís el sábado?
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Ahora que queda solo una semana voy a contaros un poco más de la novela que tengo en Verkami: Hay un político que finge un ataque y gana las elecciones gracias a ello y... ¿Por qué me miráis así? ¿Qué ha pasado?
Participa en el Crowdfunding "La inexplicable victoria de Baltasar Torres, explicada" en Sergio S. Morán escribe una nueva novela sobre un asesinato donde Baltasar Torres será el protagonista. También será la víctima.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
OH SHIT. I forgot I even had that one--
My favourite is the one where lil kimmy is shaking tasky back and forth in her mouth like when you give a dog a new toy and they go feral with it 🤩
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI:
I mean, if even they started used it on their games, I think we could consider all hope lost. I wouldn't be too surprised to see them using it on promotional material, though, specially outside of Japan.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Oh, no, it absolutely WAS. In the special edition of Deadpool 2, the Fred Savage version, they spend a good amount of screen time discussing fridging, and Ryan actually gets it dead on accurate. This isn't a joke, it's a real thing, I've talked with him about it!
I'm that naive when I originally saw the film I thought it was a deliberate reference.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
“They like peas.” #TaskyTax
Ok, you know what, I take it!!! Every bsky user has to draw him once a month now.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Please don't do that. I saw way too many real artists being harassed by other artists because of every kind of little mistake they did (like adding an extra finger or forgetting one, having a not so straight line etc). Artists online are like you, they don't know "better than anyone".
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Una novela nunca es un trabajo acabado, es un trabajo abandonado a tiempo.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Nuevas metas para la novela. ¿conseguiréis que acabe teniendo que escribir un programa electoral falso para un partido político inventado?
Or one made by John Montagu.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
Me buying them for 5k and 2sandwiches used to be a popular running gag back in the day-- (jk, jk, bless you Marvel for not hunting me down yet. I truly value our silent agreement of just ignoring whatever it is I do over here!!)
Maybe one day it will evolve in such a way even Marvel thinks he is your OC. 👀
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
It's a hard-scamming account -- the first I've seen on Bluesky. Please report to Bluesky then Block. This is my only account here.
Yes, I did that. Was actually trying to contact you. I went to your website even.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
It's Spider-Verse Kingpin's suit, but the man is normal-sized.
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
this newspaper headline is the 1930 version of encountering an incomprehensible trending story about some Twitch streamer with 4 million followers
Reposted byAvatar Belfegordo
this is really cool but I need a columbo one
Technically this is called the CLOTHED JESSICA FLETCHER action figure, but I don't like the implication that there's a NUDE JESSICA FLETCHER action figure Anyway, out in early 2025 and up now for pre-order!