
It boggles my mind that the only national newspaper opinion columnist to say the truth about the president's complicity in the intentional and criminal starvation of over a million people is fucking Nicholas Kristof.
Opinion | How Biden Has Gotten in the Way of Fighting Starvation in Israel and the U.S. have made a boogeyman out of the U.N. group that’s providing critical services in Gaza.
This is why I don’t feel sorry for Biden and the humiliation he is going through. He enabled a genocide so he can fuck off and die.
I guess I would ask you what the damage would be if/when Trump was in office. He loves Netanyahu. I would think he would stand firm with Netanyahu. The damage would be far worse in Palestine.
They are already dropping bombs nearly as fast as America can provide them, and they are already seeing the world turning against them in way they won't repair. What specifically do you think would be different? Gaza is already destroyed. The UN estimated it will take 40-80 years to rebuild.
They've literally bombed it more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There's no such thing as it being "worse with Trump".
You say that as if Biden isn't standing firm with Netanyahu right now.