
It boggles my mind that the only national newspaper opinion columnist to say the truth about the president's complicity in the intentional and criminal starvation of over a million people is fucking Nicholas Kristof.
Opinion | How Biden Has Gotten in the Way of Fighting Starvation in Israel and the U.S. have made a boogeyman out of the U.N. group that’s providing critical services in Gaza.
What an indictment of this country man. It actually erodes the soul in me.
i feel this so deeply. i feel like the hollow man.
This is why I don’t feel sorry for Biden and the humiliation he is going through. He enabled a genocide so he can fuck off and die.
I guess I would ask you what the damage would be if/when Trump was in office. He loves Netanyahu. I would think he would stand firm with Netanyahu. The damage would be far worse in Palestine.
They are already dropping bombs nearly as fast as America can provide them, and they are already seeing the world turning against them in way they won't repair. What specifically do you think would be different? Gaza is already destroyed. The UN estimated it will take 40-80 years to rebuild.
They've literally bombed it more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There's no such thing as it being "worse with Trump".
You say that as if Biden isn't standing firm with Netanyahu right now.
Yes, this is the real reason Biden is unfit for office and not a peep about it in MSM. This is the reason why I decided long ago he's not fit to hold office.
I think he stopped really absorbing new information--and especially new frameworks for understanding international and domestic relations--long ago. Like, in the mid-1990 when he was in the Senate with his GOP besties.
How would it be better under Trump? He loves Netanyahu. He would gladly give him anything and everything?
I've no delusions about the fact that things can get worse but it's little comfort, in fact none at all given the present state of things and the incumbent's virtually unconditional support for starvation and displacement. My cousin Abdullah who fled Rafah three weeks ago certainly isn't comforted.
Right. I agree. I have students from Palestine. Their father would go back there all the time. That family was the kindest family I have ever met. It’s a travesty that the population has to suffer because of a violent group
The violent group is Israel and the West and not what you’re implying here.
Suffer because Biden is providing them with weapons.
since America is dedicated to maintaining the Zionist project. the problem is something BOTH sides of the aisle support.
Reverse the narrative and you get the literal truth about both sides. We're the evil empire here.
Biden is already giving Netanyahu anything and everything. Hope this helps.
Tell us what will be different b/c Biden is already fully facilitating this.
One more advantage to Biden bailing is that Genocide Joe leaves the stage and new policy can be set. I'll take Newsom. Harris is too compromised, and for all the wrong reasons can't be elected in today's US.
I’ve yet to see anyone present that as a viable option
All are viable when one considers Trump would crush Biden. Heard a white male journalist on MSNBC spread the canard 'black women are the soul of the Democratic Party,' so they must not bypass Harris. Does an Indian/Jamaican deserve their support? If race is their only issue, maybe.
Is the plan viable though? To get funding? To get workers. To get on all the ballots. I haven’t seen anytime explain how that would work if it’s anyone other than Harris.
Any port in a storm, but I admit Harris has the inside track.
I agree with you. But logistics matter.
Unfortunately for Kamala, whom I backed in '20, lives in a country that is still WAY too immature to elect a brown woman as president. Just my opinion. I'd roll the dice happily against a McCain or a Romney... but not with Shitgibbon. It's existential now.
They have funding, they have workers... and all Biden needs to do is pick the new ticket. We haven't even NOMINATED yet FFS. "Too Late" is when Biden has another senior moment in mid-October. That's the defination of 'too late'.
Huh? I don’t think he can just pick whoever he wants. I don’t it works that way
The only viable plan is one Joe endorses, like it or not, as he has ALL the delegates. He can't be pushed out by the DNC or any poll if he doesn't want to be. Hopefully the plan he picks is to step back, organize another ticket his delegates will support, announce he's not running, bingo. Lets go!.
Newsom's ex-wife is now a MAGA lunatic and married into the Trump family. He's incredibly compromised.
I know very few who don't regret a previous marriage, so that she went off the deep end and made a fool of herself is on her, no one else... but that's just me. And hundreds of millions of others, of course. Besides, what does 'compromised' even mean any more in the age of Shitgibbon?
I dunno, man, you said it mattered for Harris. What DOES compromised even mean
In Harris' case IMO it means that she ran in '20 and flamed out. It hurt, bc I supported her, but she demonstrated that she wasn't then ready for prime time. Truth hurts. Now, again IMO, the US is not mature enough to elect a brown woman to be POTUS. Against any other Repuke I'd gamble. Trump, no.
Gavin Newsom is spectacularly unpopular in his own state and won't be able to win any purple state BECAUSE OF his state. It's not 1992, you can't just install a haircut into national office.
I mean she’ll be able to vocally say anything about their time married and be able to damage him with it.
She can do whatever she wants. If Newsom's even on the ticket it won't cost him a single vote or win him one either. He's never lost an election, and she's a distant bump in his rearview mirror. We all have made poor personal choices, and given the stakes anyone will be attacked for something
I mean, you don’t think it’s a problem if she talks openly about his infidelity? I know it seems unfair, but Democrats get held to a higher standard about this kind of thing (see: Cunningham, Cal).
Well, maybe there's a reason for that.