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Sometimes I get excited about things. (she/her)
I already went to the citizen center and the Doctor before work this morning. I'd complain about it, but it's a beautiful day and I enjoyed the morning air. Can't even complain about the 6 am alarm because I woke up at 5:45 am on my own. 🫠
I have one week of everything happening a lot and then I have two weeks of beautiful vacation filled with nothing happening very little. I can do it!
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
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WOOP! WOOP! That’s the sound of Für Elise
I didn't think a Netflix show, with their strive for mediocrity, had it in them, but Grace and Frankie is really good! I'm having a great time with it. 😊
I was all “body whyyyy” when I woke up at 6am. But now it sounds like a thunderstorm is coming and I’m glad to be awake for that. Well, however awake one is pre coffee.
I don’t know why or how I got here but I’m somehow using this sick day to watch Grace & Frankie. It’s just the right mix of easy to follow with a hit of emotion here and there.
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
Stop normalising things, we'll run out of the weird shit.
Fic writers sometimes complain about their PWPs developing plot and I think I just had the vidding equivalent happen. This idea started as 📯 vid and then it grew plot (angst).
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
I've had some health issues recently, too whatever to get into here, but this all cumulated to having a minor meltdown at the neurologist today and that was certainly embarrassing. Thankfully the Doctor was very kind. I'd still prefer to be able to keep my shit together in front of professionals. 🫠
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
Sign-ups are now open for Fall Equinox 2024: After Life! Links to the sign-up form, rules for signing up, complete Fall Equinox guidelines, this season's tag sets, and key dates here: Sign-ups close at 11:59PM Eastern on Sunday, July 14th.
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
One of the biggest security expertise redpills is this is unironically a good idea and the time spent making fun of it was ill-advised for most users whose physical security threat is not a factor in comparison.
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
sie sollten eine Krise erfinden, die vorbei geht
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
This is wild: Ticketmaster introduced 'non-transferrable' tickets, so resales would have to happen on its own platform (further monopolization). Now scalpers have worked with hackers to reverse engineer the barcodes, makes them transferrable
Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Scalpers have reverse-engineered how Ticketmaster creates tickets, and are now generating and selling them on their own parallel infrastructure.
Do you think the Discovery algo is smart enough that I can train it to keep showing me the fun kpop stuff and pretty pictures but not show me the calls to action?
Now that my Discovery feed is full of you-know-what fans, I'm realising that I didn't actually miss them all that much since my move from Twitter. Feel free to do fandom like it's your job, but I'm happy with just the one I get paid for. I'm so tired. 😩
Now that my Discovery feed is full of you-know-what fans, I'm realising that I didn't actually miss them all that much since my move from Twitter. Feel free to do fandom like it's your job, but I'm happy with just the one I get paid for. I'm so tired. 😩
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Mount Etna Milky Way - ©Gianni Tumino - Pic - HD Pic - About Astronomy Picture Of the Day #astrophotos Maintained by 🔭 READ MORE 🔭
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Reposted byAvatar bingeling
I am back from VidUKon and I had a heck of a time. I was amongst my people, etc etc etc. 😊 I also, for the first time, made two premieres, and they were very different. 😂
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
Current status: there was an abandoned cardigan lying on a bench at my connecting airport and I considered taking it. 😂
In a fit of reckless abandon I checked my carry-on baggage, excited to find out if I will see it again. Obviously already regretting it because I forgot to move a cardigan from the luggage to my backpack so I’ll be freezing to death en route.
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
perhaps my most cancelable take is that intergenerational movements are good, older people and younger people have a lot to learn from each other, and the idea that people of different ages should never interact for any reason because it’s somehow always nefarious to do so is weird and bad, actually
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
The Equinox vid exchange is back! The theme for Fall Equinox 2024 is "After Life." Nominations for After Life fandoms/sources are open now through July 7th! More info on Equinox, this season's theme, and how to nominate sources here:
Reposted byAvatar bingeling
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
In a fit of reckless abandon I checked my carry-on baggage, excited to find out if I will see it again. Obviously already regretting it because I forgot to move a cardigan from the luggage to my backpack so I’ll be freezing to death en route.