
A list of eight cute animal rhymes to say farewell... 8. In a while, crocodile 7. Toodle-oo, kangaroo 6. Ciao for now, Jersey cow 5. Why you still here, white-tailed deer 4. Just piss off, luna moth 3. Go to hell, red gazelle 2. Kiss my hole, woodland vole 1. Off you fuck, crested duck
A list of eight more lovely animal rhyme goodbyes... 8. See you later, alligator 7. Fare thee well, sand gazelle 6. You take care, grizzly bear 5. Now on you jog, prairie dog 4. Get in the bin, pangolin 3. Hope you rot, ocelot 2. Step on a lego, gargoyle gecko 1. Eat a dick, lone star tick
Rhymey byes with celebrities: 8. Come again soon, Reese Witherspoon 7. Have a nice day, Lana Del Rey 6. See you anon, Simon Le Bon 5. There’s the door, Pauly Shore 4. Now off you feck, Gregory Peck 3. Take a hike, Dick Van Dyke 2. Fall down a well, Harvey Keitel 1. I’ve run out of rhymes, Beyoncé
I'll help you pack, Rishi Sunak
Go blow a hog, Jacob Rees-Mogg
You should have fucked off sooner, Ian Paisley Junior
Don’t go with a fuss, former PM Truss
Too soon (Eyes go swishy, has been Rishi GIF)