ultraviolet allen

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ultraviolet allen


Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell. She/Her.
where i am right now, artistically
this is my excuse for having bought this bullshit. i am the change.
glasses fashion feels very stagnant to me right now. there's not been a real shakeup since the fall of the angular hipster frames and the rise of oversized square. there's been some ebb and flow with cat's eye and circle frames, but nothing earth-shattering. we need a vibe shift for glasses.
POV: you are 6 years old at the off-brand video rental store. a cutesy cover catches your eye. you do not know what "anime" or "sanrio" are, but you already love this aesthetic. you have no way of even imagining how much this cartoon will fuck up your shit.
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me (it used to be a library. that's the joke, but i couldn't find a picture from when it was the library. fun fact: it was also used as the exterior of the city hall in the tv show (but not the movie) In The Heat of The Night).
like, i saw people bickering and subtweeting and talking about blocking and contraptioning each other, and finally i activated my transformation pen and turned into my alter-ego Internet Detective Violet, and it was basically just this:
it's wild on here the sillest, most inconsequential arguments imaginable escalate into manichaean battles of Good vs. Evil
it's weird that we live in a time where people convert to Catholicism bc they think it is more repressive and conservative and racist than Protestantism and then when it isn't they get mad and start cooking up Protestantism 2
perfectly normal chapter in a perfectly normal book
Can't believe this lady went off the deep end www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
$75 and the meal is not included??
End of feed.