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Michigander, Environmental Health Educator especially climate change adaptation, PhD & academic has-been in community food systems. Side gig: growing flowers, native plants, & troubling suburbia at She/her
Excuse me . Slotkin has endorsed Harris.
I wonder if my flight tomorrow is going to be cancelled.
Delta Air Lines canceled more than 600 flights Monday as the fallout from a global tech outage extended into a fourth day. The Atlanta-based carrier had already scuttled hundreds of flights after a software update on Friday knocked out computer systems worldwide.
Delta cancels 600 more flights as it struggles to recover from tech Delta Air Lines also canceled hundreds of flights over the weekend stemming from the CrowdStrike update that knocked out computer systems worldwide.
Was just texting w a relative who is not excited about KH bc she's worried that the country's misogynoir will ensure a DT win. Personally, I think the only answer to that skepticism is just full-throated, excited support of KH. I may not join the K-Hive, but I'm going to be very positive about her.
🎁 He puts Whitmer first, but the rest are white men I'm a Michigander. I'm mostly happy w Whitmer's policies but she's not a great speaker. She's ok in interviews, but not sure about her debate skills. (I can't help but think a lot of white men like her bc she's attractive.)
Analysis | 9 alternatives for Democrats, should they not choose Where do Democrats go from here? Probably to Vice President Harris first, but not everyone will be sold on that.
One of things I think about when Kamala's name is mentioned is her recipe for turkey brine and let me tell you that I now do a dry brine and like it a lot better. (also love the way her brain is going back and forth)
Kamala Harris Shares Her Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe, And It's A Good The vice president-elect clearly knows her brines.
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I just donated $25 to this historic campaign. I hope you will donate what you can!
I am actually surprised by how emotional I feel that he endorsed her right away. I think I was scared that he wouldn't. I haven't even been all that impressed by Harris, but now super excited to support her candidacy.
Reposted byAvatar Stephanie
Y’all are joking with the dooming and glooming right? Harris has somehow kept herself clean, locked down her team, and is almost certainly aware of what she’s being asked to do. We are about to have a woman at the top of the ticket in a post-Dobbs electorate. Stop crying and buck the fuck up!
My last few days trying to fly from Detroit to Denver: Friday, Flight one, cancelled. Rebooked flight, cancelled No flights Saturday. Rebooked for Sunday Sunday flight, cancelled. No flights on any partner airlines from DTW, Flint, Grand Rapids, or Lansing. No flights Monday Rebooked for Tuesday. 🤞
After spending the week doing an emergency response exercise based on detonation of an improvised nuclear device, I was supposed to travel today, so was down in the Big Blueout trenches.
After spending the week doing an emergency response exercise based on detonation of an improvised nuclear device, I was supposed to travel today, so was down in the Big Blueout trenches.
I, a state gov employee, spent the week doing an exercise on emergency response to the explosion of an improvised nuclear device. I thought that was pretty cool and I am glad we prepare for things like that.
How are (normal and good) people still rationalizing being on Twitter?
All is a Monarch (on Liatris ligulistylis) and me!
Beautiful pic! It’s a viceroy but still a great shot.
Has anyone seen really good public education/communications on wet bulb globe temp? I want to create some messaging on it and want to learn from some good examples, if possible.
Opinion | We need to change the way we think about outdoor The public should adopt the “wet-bulb globe temperature.”
July 14 is Be Nice to Bugs Day, repost with some of your bugs! 🎨 🐡 From just today, a (female, I think) monarch on sweet potato vine.
July 14 is Be Nice to Bugs Day, repost with some of your bugs! 🎨 🐡
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I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
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This sounds obscure, but it's incredibly important to note that the reason demand-side solutions like reducing food waste or diet shifts have such high GHG mitigation potential is that they can **reduce agricultural land demand by massive amounts, avoiding large-scale deforestation** (IPCC 2022). 🧪
Lots of rain has made for some very happy plants. Purple coneflower, prairie coneflower, and rattlesnake master are the standouts in this photo!
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I have been working on a story about carbon capture for like three months because I keep thinking "it cannot possibly be THIS much of an absolute shit show" and figuring I must be missing something or misunderstanding something and then every new expert I talk to tells me it's even worse
The Bluesky discourse seems to be cohering around a resistance to replacing Biden. I'm really mystified by that. It's so crystal clear to me that Biden can't do the job. I love what he did the past 4 years, but I called my senators and representative today and said that I support replacing him.
Do you want a plant that conveys 'don't f with me?' Might I recommend the cardoon? This lovely plant is a few years old now and just keeps getting more impressive. The 4th pic is suburban landscape using mostly native plants. 🌱
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Hey look, WSJ lying to its readers again. "More than 1,200 coal-fired units have shut down in the U.S. and Europe since 2000, according to Global Energy Monitor. This has made electricity systems more vulnerable to extreme weather, as coal is a stable source of energy, albeit highly polluting"
Update on this ongoing Nextdoor drama and evidence of smarmy, dishonest politics by the Michigan Democratic Party. Looks like Joe Disano is using an alias to smear opponents of his stepdaughter. Numerous ppl accuse him of using an alias. He's never denied it and no one has spoken on his behalf.
Our State Primary in August has shaped up to be highly contested at the local level. In April, the Township manager resigned based on reports from township employees that he created a toxic workplace and some unethical financial management
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Support your local flower farmer! (and get way better quality than what you'd get in your local supermarket).
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Celebrating the 4th of July by making the President a King is wilddd.
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Whitmer phoned campaign chair Jennifer O’Malley Dillon with an unambiguous SOS: to relay that Michigan, in the wake of the debate, was no longer winnable for Biden.
Whitmer Disavows ‘Draft Gretch’ Democrats’ 2028 bench is eager to avoid appearing eager to push Biden aside.
I believe this. It's why I garden like I do, open my home to people who want to see the solar panels, dig native plant babies and give them to my neighbors, make habitat for frogs. It's a drop, but it's *my* drop. It makes me feel better, of course, but it's also an example of an alternative.
Paralysis and overwhelm don't disrupt dangerous systems. That's one reason I believe even little actions that disrupt domination patterns and support life-sustaining patterns are important. Not because of their size but because of their direction.