John Ross

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John Ross

Canadian in Boston. Hospitalist. FIDSA. Atmospheric CO2 427 ppm. #M4A #RaisetheWage #blacklivesmatter #IDSky
Pro-tip: the best strawberries are found in these containers
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Looks like the movement to switch candidates is officially dead so you know what time it is — time to band together and drag our boy across the finish line by any means necessary
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1) Staph aureus bacteremia is bad 2) It's worse if you're old and have co-morbidities, and/or if you present from the community with metastatic sites of infection 3) Maybe should be using rifampin more in poor prognosis patients? #IDSky
Clinical sub-phenotypes of Staphylococcus aureus We studied a total of 1430 patients with SAB in three separate cohorts, using latent class analysis to identify five distinct and reproducible clinical sub
If the use of acronyms in medicine increases at its current rate, different medical specialties will be mutually unintelligible by 2030
FWIW, regularly drive through the deep Trump zone in northern Maine, and this is the first time in 8 years I haven’t seen a single Trump sign or bumper sticker. This is still a very winnable election for the Ds!
When I was a kid, the Malecite still caught eels in traps like this. It seemed unbearably poignant that a creature that could cross dry land, climb dams, and swim from the sub-Arctic to the Sargasso Sea could die by putting itself in a corner it couldn't get out of
Democracy dies in lacunar infarcts
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Once again Trump successfully uses better verbal fluency to present the impression that he’s younger and more vigorous and meanwhile he’s fully spouting gibberish
If you paid attention to Trump's side of the debate, he had the same underlying problem Biden did, where over and over he would start a sentence and realize he couldn't say or remember the words that would come next, but where Biden stalled out, Trump just switched to blurting something unrelated
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Not retiring because of an insistence that a high-stakes election will work out in your favor is a little too deja Ruth for me right now. That call famously ended well for everyone
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I said this on Imgur the other day. If voting is voluntary, it's much easier and cheaper to demoralise the opposition than it is to convince them to your side. Every "I don't vote" is one less they need to win.
The Outbursts of Everett True, circa 1918. True takes it poorly when a bystander mocks his mask
4th human case of avian flu in the US in 2024 has been reported. Cases all associated with cattle or poultry exposure. Conjunctivitis major feature, probably because sialic acid receptors in the eye have the same 2,3 linkages as those in the udder (i.e., virus not yet adapted to respiratory tract)
An odd feature of H5N1 in dairy cattle is that it mainly infects the udder (mastitis), rather than the respiratory tract. This is because bovine mammary tissue has the same sialic acid receptor (α2,3 linkage) found in bird intestines (avian flu seems to spread between birds via droppings) #IDSky
Sialic Acid Receptor Specificity in Mammary Gland of Dairy Cattle Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Dairy Cattle Infected with HPAI H5N1 Virus
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This behaviour becomes more explicable when you bear in mind that most US journalists are employed by very rich men who are at least fascism-curious
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
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THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
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2016: I'm fine voting for a woman for President, just not Hillary Clinton. 2020: Or Elizabeth Warren. 2024: Or Kamala Harris.
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At work yesterday we were all talking about the craziest lab values we've ever seen, and although I read about this in a case study and didn't see it in person it is still the craziest. A teen drank a quart of soy sauce on a dare and went into a coma shortly after. His sodium level was 196 😱
Survival of Acute Hypernatremia Due to Massive Soy Sauce Intentional massive sodium chloride ingestions are rare occurrences and are often fatal.
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Dengue transmission very high in the Americas, with 745 travel-associated cases in the US so far this year. Also starting to see transmission in Florida, which had another locally-acquired case this week, for a total of eight in 2024. #IDSky
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Dismaying report of the dysfunctional status of the H5N1 response. At a bare minimum we should be: - rapidly expanding test capacity (lack of this in the earliest stages of COVID kneecapped the public health and clinical response) - offering H5N1 vaccine to agricultural workers, as Finland has done
Three months into bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows, experts see deep-rooted problems in Three months into the H5N1 bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows, experts see deep-rooted problems in the government's response.
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Mask bans are spreading. It's all about law enforcement, their network of surveillance cameras, and facial recognition software. They don't give a shit about public health. The police state is all that matters. And of course the rightwing "mah freedoms!" crowd hates masks more than life itself.
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
“The speech we hear is an indication of that which we don't hear… One way of looking at speech is to say that it is a constant stratagem to cover nakedness… To disclose to others the poverty within us is too fearsome a possibility.”—Harold Pinter