
Ugh... I don't want 365, I want Office. I don't want to save to OneDrive, I want to save to my SSD. I don't want Co-pilot. Why is Microsoft so insistent on ruining their products to push their vision of the future?
So you don't own anything. That is the ultimate end goal
Give libre office a go. Most people won't miss any of the features not in ms office
I appreciate what Libreoffice is and what it's accomplished but I remember trying to use it a while ago and not really vibing with the spreadsheet software for some reason, which is usually what I use in Office.
The spreadsheet is missing features from office, but it does what ineed. I am no super user though It gets better every release. I don't know if it will ever meet what the full version of office has, i am not expecting it to
🤝fellow Libreoffice user
It has become a really good alternative to the office suit. Using it for 10 years now, the last 8 exclusively. 👍
Libre Office devotee here as well.
Microsoft Cares About Your Privacy, and that’s why it wants to take screenshots of everything you do ever with Microsoft Recall
I truly believe they do care about your security though. They care about everything they can potentially profit from.
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I nuked onedrive from my pc, use Libreoffice instead of Office, basically the exact same product, I don't really know what Copilot is but I heard they're putting AI in it so I won't be looking into it any further. reject microsoft, pirate your license, assume chad status
Copilot *is* GenAI, often applied to computer programming. There are M$ and GitHub variants, to my knowledge.
Yeah it's basically "What if we took Cortana and Bing and combined them to make them even more annoying and invasive" lmfao
GitHub copilot is actually pretty nice
And, by extension, profits.
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Every time I try to load up a document, I have to spend two or three minutes, figuring out which bs cloud product Microsoft saved it to. The amount of stupidity in their designs is amazing
The same reason Google ruins theirs to push their vision of the future: C-Suites are full of wealthy, trend-chasing dipshits instead of actual competent people.
The nature of human organizations is that they always become self-eating.
Tell me more about non-human organizations instead, as it seems necessary to specify without a reason their human origin
Defending humans, are we??? 🤣
They have some redeeming features. I saw one petting a dog once. 🐶
humans are literally the best tho
I just want one drive. Like 50GB but I have to buy a subscription to a text editing app that doesn’t even support markdown to get it.
Yeah it seems like even if you want cloud storage there are better options than OneDrive
I don't mind the option to use One Drive, I hate being forced to. But why the fuck do I need a subscription for a damned word processing suite?
Right? It's sold as like "Ohhhh lookie it's cheaper than buying a FULL version of Office... :)" but honestly I'd rather just run an older version of Office than tack another subscription fee onto the pile, lol
Cheaper at first but eventually much more, like, for Microsoft, a potentially unlimited amount. This is Why I switched to Libre.
That's The Move if you can stick the landing, I just couldn't get used to the spreadsheet software, which is what I use the most. :(
Their spreadsheets definitely include a learning curve. I mostly use it for creative writing and putting together assignment sheets for my employees. Nothing too strenuous.
I'm just a weird statistics freak in a really stupid way, I like putting together spreadsheets full of cars I would put in the hypothetical N64/PS1/Saturn open world street racing game I want to make and putting in stats and prices and shit lmfao
Ah, but how else are you going to enjoy the ads in the start menu? 🫠
God, yeah lmfao. Glad I have a WindowBlinds license so I can make shit look like it used to without that garbage cluttering up my workspace.
Oh! This is a USian thing. Search for how to install windows without the gubbins you're forced to put up with (don't tell them you're USian, use a generic world thing). It's easy but does require a full reinstall so you may prefer to save it for when you next get a new machine.
Well... Huh! I might have to give that a try when I get the new SSD I ordered. Will be annoying having to re-install and re-sign-into all my stuff but all the same if it keeps Co-pilot off my computer I'm all for it, lmfao.
You can correct location once you're in. Just don't give it the chance to install the gubbins. IIRC the generic "Europe" is a goodun probs because tightest rules apply there. But generic non-US are all good because they have to comply with all the laws that might apply in that area.
Honestly wish I could move somewhere in Europe for real lmao, I'm tired of living in the land of guns-n-jesus where anything goes as long as it empowers someone to buy their 5th yacht. Nowhere is perfect but at least the EU seems to give some fragment of a damn about people, lol.
Indeed. Norway is (IIUC) always looking for people who want to live in the far north to keep shit going. If you're good with log cabins, snow shoes, and ski-tramping, and all that rugged outdoors stuff, might be worth a hunt (I got this info direct from a drunk Norwegian we all wanted to adopt us).
If a feature - looks strange ("who would want that?") - is broken (hasn't been maintained in years) - has an actively hostile user interface (that will teach you!) then it probably got someone promoted to VP, and that was the feature's sole purpose.
Microsoft became a solely vision-oriented company as Satya Nadella stepped over the smoldering corpse of Windows 8. For every improvement to a decent service, they throw in a few bullshit branches on project roadmaps and implement the shit instead of seeing if any of it is marketable.
I delete as much of their crap as possible. Going back to Linux soon.
This has become a common, vocal complaint. Back in the day this MS behavior would probably have resulted in a federal lawsuit.
Or a switch to Apple. After years in IT when I retired I got rid of everything MS and moved to Apple (I do still use Word and Excel iOS versions, but that’s it!
I'm so deeply immersed into the PC and MS ecosystem that I'll never switch. I also run Linux so I can turn to that when MS frustrates me.
Yeah same, I've been using Windows basically since I was first able to speak and my mom setup an old Windows 95 computer made out of spare parts in the kitchen for me to play DOS games on. I have a few Apple machines, but mostly older stuff. Newest is an '09 white MacBook.