Gronk of Aquilonia, Barbarian Engineer

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Gronk of Aquilonia, Barbarian Engineer

Gronk like waste time designing computers and systems software. Gronk do this a long time, since almost before rocks.

Wheel good. Lever good. Inclined plane good. C++ not so good.
Bumping the programming editor's font from 11 points to 12. Tired? Naw. 3AM and still going baby, bitblt like it's 1980.
40 years ago I was working for Atari (writing games, natch), and just ahead of the 4th-of-July weekend we heard a rumor that Atari had been sold to Jack Tramiel.
Wait Azacuatel is an option?
MAJOR-GENERAL Stanley enters, sings: I am the microplastics found in every human testicle I come from sources various, imported and domestical Although I am unlikely to eventuate sterility There’s no way I can be good news for gonadal fertility
The Republican frontrunner for President has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow with his probation officer. That's it. That's the post.
Online games have become Fizzbin "Get 30K Valor tokens, then max out your Rift Glyphs. Make sure you're investing in Sepharim Glint. THEN you can get your mount." "But --" "But this is Tuesday, and that Morph is actually very lucky!" "Really?" "It gets you into the Forsaken Shadow Hall where...
Happy Towel Day you hoopy froods
oh my god this is so fucking funny
EVERY PHILOSOPHER IN HISTORY: Don't confuse smarts with wisdom. TECHBROS: What if being smart in a field of technology only forty years old in fact made us philosopher kings? FINANCE BROS: I'll have what he's having.
AI company: we trained this dog to talk. It doesn’t actually understand language, but it kinda sounds like it’s having a conversation by mimicking the sound of human speech. CEO: awesome, I’ve fired my entire staff, how quickly can it start diagnosing medical disorders
"Are you better off today than you were four years ago"
((lambda (a b) b) 1 2) => 2 Yay, milestone. You wouldn't believe the gears that made that go. I guess that's it for the evening.
Earlier today I wrote the equivalent of: void* p = malloc(16ull * 1000 * 1000 * 1000); I paid for that memory, I'm bloody well going to use it.
Things I am Not Allowed to Do at Work // jesus clockwise-rotating christ, why is this so hard? return make_error("WTF token type in read (%lld), you idiot", typ);
Earlier today I had a very pretty piece of code. You could look at it and trivially see that it was correct. To accomplish this, I had to break the Code Formatting Guidelines. Ohnonono Now the code is messy and not obviously correct. But it satisfies my robotic masters, and I am paid another day.
For the past couple of weeks at work, I've been unable to type. Constant errors, mucked-up cuts-and-pastes, just horrible. I'm getting old, yeah ok... Words cannot describe the relief I felt today when I discovered the rogue Bluetooth device that was randomly zapping my control and alt key presses.
New from me at Trump’s immunity claims aren’t going to get him off the hook in the January 6 prosecution. (You should also subscribe to The Unpopulist, it’s free and runs all kinds of great stuff.)
Trump's Outlandish Attempts to Secure Immunity Are Unlikely to The sweeping theories he is invoking are a longshot
You'd think I'd remember the order of arguments to fwrite() after all these years, but I don't. [WIndows CreateFile() has entered the room]
((nil (((a (1234 . nil) . nil) . nil) . nil) . nil) (nil . nil) . nil) tests passed clear sign i should head to bed
End of feed.