
Well, I can see no reason other than antiwhitemanism that he would be excluded from social events. He seems super fun.
Kinda undermines the entire lawsuit, which I find delightful
No, he was definitely left off the invite list to Janet's Diwali party because of Big Woke. They're everywhere.
This guy undermined his lawsuit in countless ways... he undermined being discriminated against for being white because his white women coworkers are better treat than him... but he can't be discriminated against for being a man because his male non-white co-workers are also favored above him.
“Won’t someone think of the WHITE MEN?” (clutches pearls and sobs)
1. These people truly do believe that others should be forced to like & tolerate them. 2. My spouse pointed out that being "excluded" from social stuff sounds like he behaved in ways that made people uncomfortable.
Shockingly he is complaining about anti-white discrimination since it is including his white female coworkers being favored over him because of women favoritism... because at this point he can't even specify he was targeted solely over being white... let alone male with his non-white male coworkers.
Sounds like he's just an asshole no one likes.