Elisabeth Van Every

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Elisabeth Van Every


Writer, editor, educator, naturalist, knower of things. Therapy animals, wildlife interp, media, film, fandom, politics, noir, goth, fashion, cocktails, hockey, and anything else I find of interest. Animal photos sometimes. Caution: Swears. She/her.
in real life when a piano falls on your head you'd be lucky if even just one or two keys became your teeth
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
this is worthy of a Master's level thesis, minimum
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
I've seen #ArmoredCarRobbery before but Charles McGraw and William Tallman are always worth a watch. #NoirAlley
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
Say his name: Philando Castile
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
Haven't seen anyone mark it, & it merits marking. Last night NFL Vikings rookie & comeback story of the decade Khyree Jackson was killed, with two of his friends, by a (presumed) drunk driver. He CLAWED his way to 4th round draft pick from grocery clerk. It's TRAGIC. www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/...
Vikings rookie CB Khyree Jackson among 3 killed in crash - ESPNwww.espn.com Vikings rookie cornerback Khyree Jackson and two former college football players -- Isaiah Hazel and Anthony Lytton Jr. -- were killed in a car crash overnight, according to police.
"There’s little statewide case data and little if any accurate vaccination data, which means, 'The only thing we have is our own internal positivity rate for COVID and our own internal positive caseloads,'"
This just infuriates me. The risk of Covid may well be rising but lack of reporting disguises that fact. With a disease this dangerous and deadly, what possesses the government, state and federal, to stop reporting incidence of the disease. www.ctinsider.com/connecticut/...
A lack of data may be hiding a summer COVID wave in CT: 'There is an ostriching that is going on'www.ctinsider.com With a lack of statewide testing data now, a wave of COVID infections may be hitting CT and many may not realize it until there's a surge in hospitalizations.
and then somehow for whatever surely unrelated reason she was absolutely pilloried in a million different articles for being mean to poor dear sweet innocent Sarah Huckabee Sanders and forced to apologize even though nothing she said about her was untrue or even THAT harsh
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
if anything, the reactionary backlash from some Star Wars fans to the existence of lesbian space witches mirrors the fragility of Jedi orthodoxy. No wonder so many Jedi fell to the dark side. they were religious zealots indoctrinated from childhood to practice binary & absolutist thinking.
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
Depressing that the entire promise of the internet was once that we would have all the world's information at our fingertips, and genAI has, in a very short space of time, completely nullified that idea.
Well this is grim
Everything else aside, seeing a reference to Schuck's was quite a throwback. (They were bought by O'Reilly in 2009 and renamed.)
The Odyssey by Homer.
As someone now closer to her forties than her twenties, no pair of ankle socks or skinny jeans or side part will make you look as old as trying to chase the trends of 20-year-olds
The grape harvest is ready to begin this week in most parts of Kern County CA. The area will be under an excessive heat watch for at least 10 days. Picking and packing grapes for minimum wage is already difficult work but the heat becomes unbearable. #WeFeedYou
I’ve seen people scoffing at the idea that the media are at the VERY LEAST partly responsible for the massive Joe Biden pile-on. Sure, man. The New York Times keeps it on their front page for more than a week, with 192 articles and counting, but that has no effect on anybody. Sure.
2 friends have COVID 2 others continue to deal with the life altering effects of long COVID, which isn’t new but always reminds me of the importance of minimizing risk gothamist.com/news/nyc-cov...
NYC COVID cases up 250% in 2 months — and this variant's harder to duckgothamist.com The increases is driven by the new FLiRT variant.
Afternoon update: still sitting at needing $100 by Monday (if I could get this $ together by tomorrow evening that would be ideal) #MutualAidRequest
I know everyone is busy and I hate to be a bother, but I need help raising $150 by Monday so I can do my weekly grocery shop and pay bills. If y’all could donate and/or share my payment info around this weekend I’d appreciate it so much. #MutualAidRequest
The only reason republican states are trying to add further restrictions is to prevent poorer people without access to the additional documentation from voting. This has nothing to do with preventing non-citizens from voting.
Mulder and Scully are always talking about stuff like flight manifests & livestock diseases, but if you turn the sound off, they look like they’re talking about something very different
The first step in 2025 was to Overton Window the first steps Which were a committed and continuous attack of the most consistent unprotected people Materially and narratively And none of these shock writeups include reflection about who that is/was and how to support them
I don’t like the current discourse for any number of reasons, but I sure wish it could be conducted with a little less brutally dehumanizing language about old people.
I could not co-sign this more We need to give each other grace for complicated, messy, poorly-articulated feelings rn more than ever, I know we all have so few spoons but
There's a general problem here, being unable to tell the difference between people publicly processing grief, and people goading you to embrace "why bother, it all sucks" doomerism Often, this isn't anyone's fault. You can't always tell the difference unless you know the poster well, maybe offline
have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
Scarlett’s story is SO credible that they didn’t need a lot more. Add on the corroborating interview with the friend and I’m done. I don’t need to know what Neil says to know that I believe her, and I think the people trying to frame the story through his “admission” are sidelining her pretty hard.
I have some complex feelings about this viewpoint, but yes, it was not considered a systemic *problem* at the time. I was sexually harassed by the company president at my employer, I understood it as that at the time, and he admitted in my exit interview* that he knew it was wrong...
This is something that's hard to grasp in retrospect. I was sexually harassed as an undergrad, by which I mean things from a prof grabbing my breast at a party to another asking me to spend the summer with him. I was repulsed by this, but *we had no concept of 'sexual harassment at the time.*