
Some of y'all need to eat grass. Not just touch it, eat it. I know you can't digest it. I think it would be good to spend a couple days in the bathroom wondering why you're like this.
I log on here every day and think “wow the Antifa goat farmers put up with way more shit in a way nicer way than I ever could”
While not technically legal in this state, I’ve heard they have chewables for that now. They don’t have as much fiber as you’d expect, but my glaucoma has never been better!
I have a really bad phobia, too. I cannot imagine asking someone else to change their behavior so I don't see something I am scared of. Like FFS, I am not the only person on the planet.
This isn't specifically about that. I'm not *that* mean.
Lolol my bad. I just saw the two back to back in my feed. The goat is super cute, tho!
🤣 I just saw that other exchange & had that same thought. Is it even legit? The whole thing just sounds bizarre.
I am content with my lower-methane microbiome, even if it lacks critters as interesting as goats’.
I'm making pasta. Wheat is technically grass
More fiber would prolly mean less time in the bathroom...
i ate ants as a kid to prove to the doubters that yes, i was really part horse. does that count?