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venmo to help my elderly cat with hyperthyroidism and kidney failure

She/her cis & twifucker so you might have a chance

Pokémon Go trainer account: 6789 8103 8337
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
It doesn’t seem like they’re very confident Trump is going to win in November. Maybe they should have chosen a better candidate?
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
blocks lists and labels haven’t melted enough people’s brains bluesky introduce public downvotes you cowards
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Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Neon gobies aren’t the only cleaners in town. Here a gray angelfish stops midwater for porkfish to give it a thorough inspection at sunset last week
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
For some reason, little wattlebirds often look like someone scared the s**t out of them. This was one of dozens at Cox Scrub Conservation Park, SA. #birds #birding #WildOz 🪶
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
we keep finding little bits of green walnut husk kind of suspiciously gnawed-on inside the pool's pump and i think a ding-dang raccoon has been coming at night to wash his food in the water and leaving his scraps
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
I love this roly-poly happy chonklet so much. 1929.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
It’s so funny to read “We spent over $50K for a work van that Mark Wahlberg described as almost new” because I can perfectly hear Mark Wahlberg voice doing this. Yeah listen up bro, this van, no listen to me bro this van? This van moves everything!
seems like exactly the sort of business you'd expect Mark Wahlberg to be operating
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
GOD I JUST KEEP SEEING MORE THINGS!! they're sleeping RAW on the mattress NO sheets, there's a power strip IN the bed and is that a fucking unsecured handgun on the bedframe???
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Clouds on Mars are a mixture of dry ice and water. Mars' cloudy sky as seen by Perseverance rover in 2023
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Ansel Adams took very good photos of our national parks if you need a visually arresting element for your Facebook post
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
#SciArt and #Invertebrates
This huge Arthropleura plush is all finished and ready to head home to her owner! Over three feet in length and meticulously handmade with soft minky.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Please help these very tall long skinny cats.
I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
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like this for example
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Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
A hybrid remix novel of Moby Dick and Infinite Jest, but just the parts about tying knots and playing tennis. It is 900 pages long.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Solve your housing affordability crisis with this one weird trick
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
French fascists are the biggest losers because they’re all Catholic so they think all the actually cool things about French culture like smoking and horniness are degeneracy
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
It's also wildly inaccurate. Plenty of the base of white christian nationalism is in wealthy suburbs and, yes, cities too. Stop buying this "barefoot hicks" b.s. and realize the fascists are down the street shopping at whole foods.
Honestly I feel deflated seeing the response to “depiction of white Christian nationalism ascendant” be cracks about inbreeding, or glee at concentrating these people in rural communities so they can eat their own
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
The reason the Pacific Northwest is so fascinating and eerie to Americans is because it functions as a gateway to an uncanny realm of magic and terror (Canada)
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
🦉 Two orange-fronted parakeets enjoying a sunny day in the treetops of Bijagua, Costa Rica. #birds 📷 #photography
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
おはようございまsparrow #birds 今週もよろしくお願いします☺️
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Flags In Username: A Guide 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈: Leftie 🇵🇸 ☭: Either incredibly cool or the most annoying person you’ve ever met 🇵🇸🇺🇦: Liberal, but genuinely well-meaning 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈: Biden wine moms. Avoid 🇺🇦🇮🇱: Nazi
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
if it's not from the champagne region of france then it’s just called sparkling fascist tears