
Not only are they not joking, they have quietly taken control of every single political system they can get their hands on. if a person can be elected, they're running for it and winning races no one takes seriously or looks at very hard. like school boards.
One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
I know you don't want to vote for biden. it feels awful. I understand. whatever you want to do about that vote-which is *seccret and none of my business,* do that. but fucking go vote *the rest of the ticket.* down to interim co-dog catcher or whatever. fascist regimes start on the ground floor.
The notion of a global struggle between democracy and autocracy is perplexing. If democracy applies only internally, then it has legitimacy only internally against domestic opponents. If outside your outlook is hierarchical, you cannot boast of being a democracy.
Why I'm Resigning from Biden [Anas ‘Andy’ Shallal and Annelle Sheline, at Busboys and Poets around 6pm NYC, April 9th / Eid el Fitr or Idul Fitri 9am Denpasar Indonesia, April 10th. Anas ‘Andy’ Shallal is owner, founder Busboys a...