
Not only are they not joking, they have quietly taken control of every single political system they can get their hands on. if a person can be elected, they're running for it and winning races no one takes seriously or looks at very hard. like school boards.
One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
I know you don't want to vote for biden. it feels awful. I understand. whatever you want to do about that vote-which is *seccret and none of my business,* do that. but fucking go vote *the rest of the ticket.* down to interim co-dog catcher or whatever. fascist regimes start on the ground floor.
and then dedicate yourself to being a *complete pain in the ass.* did you read something about your city that annoys you? FABULOUS! go write a stern letter. on paper. put it in the mail. go buy a roll of 50 stamps. I double dog dare you to use the roll by this time in 2026. bother them.
because I *promise* you, if you're printing letters, mailing letters to your city councillor, your mayor, your school board trustee, the person in charge of city planning who wants to stop your bus route, anyone! It has more impact on paper. those "click to send an email to--?" they're filtered.
this is the energy I'm bringing to November
The fact that they would pay so much to tell someone fuck you is amazing
Good reminder. Be like Andy Dufresne. Send one a week. Once you see movement, send two a week.
I fully support this AND I have such a hard time sussing out local elections. I used to just give up & only do a cursory look up of the candidates. Now of course you have to be careful & it is a LOT of work to figure out who (esp "nonpartisan" positions) are the open and the hidden facists.
A reliable method where I live is also kind of cursed: there’s a “church voting guide” that often reveals who NOT to vote for. Certain candidates feel they’re among a sympathetic audience, so they drop some of the coded language. It is gross but useful (but rather specific to my local horrorshow).
Ohh. That could work where I am too. Good tip - thanks & ick
Support the League of Women Voters; they aren't as successful at getting candidate info as they used to be, but Vote411 is a good place to start....
I do & I use LVW, LCV & our local weekly newspaper + & others, but they are mostly for state level & above. Sometimes county/mayor too, but those are pretty easy to work out. County & local candidates you have to listen to scuttlebut and assess their soc med & website if they have one.
Vote Smart | Facts For Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, in-depth information about current officials, candidates, issues, legislation, and voting. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988.
I've taken to nagging local candidates on Facebook to fill out their LWV questionnaire & where I work, I've been working with the local LWV to host a meet the board of Ed candidates night each year
I'm convinced that the political endorsements are part of why the community saved the Eugene Weekly from financial ruin. They do so much research and lay everything out so that even if you disagree with their conclusions you still have a solid basis for your decision.
Remember that Trump's statement about the genocide is that it's taking too long, and he would encourage Bibi to turn Gaza into a parking lot upon which resorts could be constructed. And there's no viable third option, bc everyone always waits until election year to call for one.
The notion of a global struggle between democracy and autocracy is perplexing. If democracy applies only internally, then it has legitimacy only internally against domestic opponents. If outside your outlook is hierarchical, you cannot boast of being a democracy.
Why I'm Resigning from Biden [Anas ‘Andy’ Shallal and Annelle Sheline, at Busboys and Poets around 6pm NYC, April 9th / Eid el Fitr or Idul Fitri 9am Denpasar Indonesia, April 10th. Anas ‘Andy’ Shallal is owner, founder Busboys a...
Curious. But let's remember that Joheph "Fouche" Biden doesn't support the Assignat..listen,I will be DEAD before I allow a D'Ontranto to oppose me again. Ja he's evil in other ways,it's meaningful noise but I'm deaf to it. A D'Ontranto..come on now. Surely you have dignity! Loyalty to La Patrie!
I guess I will repeat myself, since it seems to be required: "whatever you want to do about that vote-which is *secret and none of my business*" which is code for it's secret and none of my business
This isn't remotely about votes. It's about the Assignat,it's about a duel I lost two centuries ago,it's about a beautiful woman with chestnut hair who was slain upon the Guillotine in my youth for a crime of naught but VIRTUE by Joseph. But I don't suppose you'd understand,Tankie.
If you don't oppose Biden,you are supporting both the Bourbons and L'Empereur,and also the perfidious demiurge. If this isn't a problem to you,I don't know what is. And of course you dont care about the silver mines,because you aren't a natural philosopher.
I guess I will repeat myself, since it seems to be required: "whatever you want to do about that vote-which is *secret and none of my business*" which is code for it's secret and none of my business
I feel like the crazy uncle talking about this. We have historical precedent for everything happening and I sound like the crazy one for saying this shit is super fascist
you are not crazy. you're smart. and you may be afraid, but you're not so afraid that you instantly shut it all down with denial.
The denial hurts real bad form people who know better.
It really, really does.
Exactly. I read Project 2025 and was shocked to see how much of it was already being implemented on School Boards and City Halls across the country. We are behind the 8-ball on this and they now have immense power at the local and state levels.
Policy | Project This book is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include former elected officials, world-renowned econom...
This has been their strategy since forever. I grew up in Boise, Idaho during the rise of Focus on the Family. They ran candidates for the school board and won there and in surrounding small towns in the 1980s and tried to impeach my mom for championing sex ed during the early AIDS crisis.
A few years later they used those candidates as the ground floor for taking over the state lege and getting anti gay rights legislation on the ballot. When it lost, due to a coalition between liberals and old-fashioned get-the-fuck-outta-my-bedroom libertarians, they passed it piece by piece.
Down ballot voting is so important, especially locally. Local election winners are the farm team for state then federal elections
Library boards, too. So much of the current wave of censorship is due to this.