Robert Apel

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Robert Apel

Social scientist at Rutgers with expertise in criminology and social policy
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I wrote a small r-script to download the SEER county-level population age/race data (single age year and grouped years), break the string apart, and create a full dataset. Is that something people want? I can post it on GitHub.
U.S. Population Data - SEER Population Download county population estimates used in SEER*Stat to calculate cancer incidence and mortality rates. The estimates are a modification of the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program, in ...
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I’ve updated gssr, an R package that makes it more convenient for R users to work with the General Social Survey. It now includes the most recent release (Version 2a) of the 1972-2022 data file. One feature of gssr is that it lets you see documentation for individual GSS variables as R help pages.
US General Social Survey (GSS) Data for The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the GSS Cumulative Da...
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I’m releasing ISOCODES, a new Stata package to generate standardized country code variables.   Feed in a string variable identifying countries and isocodes outputs numeric/2-3 letter codes (ISO3166) or full country names.   I’ll give you a short motivation and rundown below.
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Social scientists need to write papers but we generally aren't taught how to actually do that. Here is how I get papers out the door, in 10 straightforward steps. 1/N #econsky #socsky #scisky
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Last Fall I completed another iteration of Gov 50 (Data Science for the Social Sciences), and I've been really happy with the course. We doubled in size to 250 students and got great reviews from students. What's worked for us?
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💡Glad to see this paper with Beyers Louw finally published: "On the Nuisance of Control Variables in Causal Regression Analysis" (preprint available on arXiv).
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So excited to announce that our textbook with Xavier, "Difference-in-Differences for Simple and Complex Natural Experiments", is now under contract with Princeton University Press. Check out the "working textbook" version here! Comments welcome!
Alarming just how readily pharmacies can give away private information without as much as a warrant
New: Cops are going into pharmacies and walking out with people's most sensitive health information. No warrant or judge review. Comes at a time when women's health care is being criminalized.
Pharmacies share medical data with police without a warrant, inquiry Findings of a congressional inquiry raise privacy concerns as some states seek to criminalize abortion.
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Reposted byAvatar Robert Apel
#30DayMapChallenge #2 lines I revisit one of the coolest small improvement one can do to their maps – create borders explicitly as lines and not as polygon outlines💡 #rstats #rspatial #dataviz Blog post:
This is absolutely terrific, and highly recommended for an intro class or any class that concerns data and measurement. It’s just 30 minutes long.
Me and Peter did an episode debunking the shoplifting panic! We're making the teasers condensed versions of the full episode so this includes most of the core arguments and data (though it does not include details about my shoplifting arrest lol)
‎If Books Could Kill: The "Organized Retail Crime" Panic [TEASER] on Apple ‎Show If Books Could Kill, Ep The "Organized Retail Crime" Panic [TEASER] - Oct 26, 2023
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Econometric Thread (#EconSky): Today, I will briefly discuss a few recent papers expanding the synthetic control method (SCM). I will talk about three WPss: Abadie + L'Hour (2019), Grossi, Lattarulo, Mariani, Mattei + Oner (2020); Cao + Dowd (2019) and Cattaneo, Feng, Palomba +Titiunik (2023).
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Econometrics Thread: Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) Today, I will explain the basics of MTE and will mention the papers that I believe to be important. As my wife says, I like to preach and spread the Gospel of MTE. (PS: I'm moving some of my Twitter threads to here.)
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a database of datasets ⬇️ been working for awhile on pulling together economic datasets for econ & policy students b/c there is *so* much publicly available data sharing it for anyone who finds it useful pls suggest additions; work in progress
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📈📉 #econsky I'm teaching causal inference and want to give students an example of data+code using the new DiD TWFE estimators. (My examples use proprietary data or do not rely on TWFE.) Thanks team!
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A welcome installment in the search for the One True Cup of Tea along with the One True Biscuit. Science never sleeps—due, in part, to its being over-caffeinated.
“Recall that the original Luddite movement coincided with the revolutionary fervor that was sweeping Europe in the early 1800s. Decel movements may simply be a way of crying ‘Stop the bus, we want to get off!’.”
Don't be a Technological progress must be harnessed, not fought
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NEW: U.S. states lock up Black people at 6x the rate of white people, on average. We just published updated 50-state data on incarceration rates by race, as part of our mission to make important data about the criminal legal system accessible to everyone:
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Guess I should post something here, so I’m linking my job market paper! I examine the effects of ideological polarization on local politics through the lens of police union endorsements.
Running shorts need a different phone pocket in the liner. If I’m sweaty or it’s raining, the mesh goes to work swiping. I’d like to apologize to my brother, friend, colleague, and research assistant for the calls. And to the Uber driver for the canceled trip that cost me $5.
End of feed.