
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
Will Biden do anything about an illegitimate scotus helping Trump become a dictator before November? If not he should step down because he's not the man for the moment
The game theory really sucks in an election year.
What’s he supposed to do? They had their chance, and the SCOTUS commission flubbed it. But even if the commission hasn’t been set up to fail, they didn’t have 50 votes to end the filibuster. And now they don’t have the House. The *only* chance we have is for Ds to get the trifecta again.
And then to march and send letters and target the holdouts….
You're thinking about the old rules. The new rules are power is everything. Do you think Trump will whine about a filibuster? Mail letters? The game changed and democrats won't see it until the possession changes again
So what are you proposing, exactly?
(And I don’t disagree with you about the GOP, I just don’t know what Biden is supposed to do about this ruling. Order the district judge to ignore it?)
Pack the court, declare judicial review invalid (didn't exist at the founding after all), refuse to enforce their edicts, ask Congress to pass laws reigning them in, tell Dick Durbin to do his job in senate judiciary, tell the DOJ to investigate Manchin's family ties to lobby groups.