
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
It’s utterly insane to watch - mice trying to usher in the rule of a really hungry cat
a hungry alley cat, specifically
Still an insult to alley cats.
They are incapable of imagining anything really happening, especially to them. Covid broke through that which is why there’s a deep desire to forget about it.
I do not care what happens to anyone in the political press during a second Trump term. Not even a little bit.
Which is amazing given the literal violence he advocated against them and which his followers acted upon, the press pool was actively dangerous at Trump rallies not that long ago! Like they've seen what they'll do, they didn't like it!
Is it laziness, stupidity or the instincts of a lemming that makes them do that? I just don’t get it. I know smart journalists, they exist, but …
they cannot be convinced that right wingers could be serious when they say over and over and over again that they consider the news media to be their enemies whom they will destroy, ha ha, such loving jibes from our dear beloved conservatives
“They would never do the things they say they want to” after Dobbs and now today’s decision is a completely unhinged position.
I think they think they live in a different realm than the rest of us live.
“I won’t have you killed for asking that question, unlike my opponent.”
Would have been the best answer
When the only money on the table for journalists is there for those who get noticed above all else (or their self-perception) we get the desperate, shallow press that we now know and hate
Looootta people gonna be unexpectedly losing their faces to leopard meal-prep.
Every now and then, a mean part of me wishes Trump had sent a journalist or 2 to Gitmo last time around. Maybe *then* the media would understand.
He allowed one to be chopped up by the Saudis!
You would think! But even then they would act like it couldnt happen to them
“It happened to those guys. Not me.”
"I know they sent Steve to Gitmo after he published an interview with a disgruntled former Trump staffer, but I'm built different!"
“Those other guys knew the rules and the risks. They made their choices.” There is a deep-seated belief that people only suffer if they deserve it, so if *you* don’t deserve it, you won’t suffer. Same with disability, with homelessness, even with abuse victims or targets of killers (“true crime”).
According to Trump he currently has final say over whether or not a journalist held prisoner in Russia gets to come home, so, he is in effect holding a journalist hostage. And yet...
narrative fixation is a real hazard
It actually kills me when you look at the linear decline at paid journalists in this country and all the asshats in that room think "oh not me I'm built different"
I believe it was the sage Jello Biafra who said "In the real 4th Reich, you'll be the first to go".
They survived Trump 1.0, they assume they will get through 2.0, not realizing they aren’t remotely equivalent and 2.0 may as well be infinity.0
The press is failing us at every turn — just when democracy is under maximum danger.
This. They’re going to be a big target if the former guy gets back in. I’m constantly floored how they don’t see it. Yet, her emails. Yet, his debate. Nonsense.
I would have given any amount of money if Biden had responded "the Supreme Court says I can drone whoever asked that".
Or how he performed during his speech. Isn't the issue we should be discussing the threat to the rule of law?
Mouthpieces for autocrats are well-compensated
it seems like there's a whole lot to write about journalists broadly coming from a liberal background/education and feeling a lot more comfortable attacking democrats as a result
They don't come from a liberal background. They come from wealth, which is right-wing. They pretend to be accepting and genteel, but they'll endorse your murder for a tax cut.
The bootlickers think they will survive. And prosper.
Some of whom reported in authoritarian regimes, mind you, and likely lost contact with sources that got disappeared. And whom still are either unable or unwilling to connect 2+2
Will Biden do anything about an illegitimate scotus helping Trump become a dictator before November? If not he should step down because he's not the man for the moment
The game theory really sucks in an election year.
What’s he supposed to do? They had their chance, and the SCOTUS commission flubbed it. But even if the commission hasn’t been set up to fail, they didn’t have 50 votes to end the filibuster. And now they don’t have the House. The *only* chance we have is for Ds to get the trifecta again.
And then to march and send letters and target the holdouts….
You're thinking about the old rules. The new rules are power is everything. Do you think Trump will whine about a filibuster? Mail letters? The game changed and democrats won't see it until the possession changes again
Pack the court, declare judicial review invalid (didn't exist at the founding after all), refuse to enforce their edicts, ask Congress to pass laws reigning them in, tell Dick Durbin to do his job in senate judiciary, tell the DOJ to investigate Manchin's family ties to lobby groups.
What do you think he can do outside of abusing the exact power we're all so worried about with Trump?
Pack the court, declare judicial review invalid (didn't exist at the founding after all), refuse to enforce their edicts, ask Congress to pass laws reigning them in, tell Dick Durbin to do his job in senate judiciary, tell the DOJ to investigate Manchin's family ties to lobby groups.